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Old 07-19-2004, 11:39 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Is a modem dial up net connection ok for Debian updates?

I am looking at installing Debian, and have an install DVD for Woody, but only have a modem dial up internet connection. Is this too slow a connection to even bother with Debian? I will be looking to update components, how many I don't know yet.
I do have a high speed internet connection at work to download packages individually, but would rather just use the full power of apt-get from the actual Debian box at home.

Old 07-20-2004, 01:39 AM   #2
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Debian Woody is very outdated. You're looking at updating over half the system to get up-to-date, and that could take days over a modem.
Old 07-20-2004, 02:13 AM   #3
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You can do it but it will take a long time as WMD said. However, I've personally done it. I just left it overnight and finished it off in the morning (my ISP had a timeout). I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore since I have broadband.
Old 07-20-2004, 03:53 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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But this large download would, essentially, be a one off deal correct? After that I could pick and choose which packages to update and when, and even a 'get all' type approach wouldn't take all night, every night (perhaps a few solid hours, once a week)???

All in all, I'm not worried with some solid downloading the first week or so, and I don't mind allocating an hour or two a week to the update process, but if it's an overnight job every second day, for a dialup modem, then it's a bit much for me (I have no idea of package sizes).


Old 07-20-2004, 04:23 AM   #5
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Sort of. Depends on how often and how many packages you update. But, essentially, yes.
Old 07-20-2004, 08:28 AM   #6
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you can install Kanotix, which is a Knoppix clone based exclusively on Debian Sid, no other repositories in the sources.list. The update/upgrade would be reduced enormously for your dial-up connection.
Old 07-20-2004, 08:43 AM   #7
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... Or you could just get yourself a Sarge or Sid CD set.


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