Originally Posted by nocturna_gr
I enter my ip-tables and everything works fine. I then do iptables-save and reboot. Afterwards (after the boot-up) , "iptables --list" doesn't give me the rules.
What's wrong?
iptable-save > ipt.txt can only save the iptables' rules into a text file in current directory.
It can not make your setting autorun at boot up time
Debian is using a systematical method to invoke the boot up program launching.
you can try install arno-iptables-firewall by
apt-get install arno-iptables-firewall
after that you have to configure the rules by interacting with the programs.
after you have install properly ,
cd /etc/init.d
ls arno*
you can see arno-iptables-firewall have already in this folder.
cd /etc/rcS.d
arno-iptables-firewall also in the folder.
that's mean while you boot the debian, the startup script will check /etc/rcS.d to boot all script files in have, (also look for /etc/rc5.d if you are running xwindows mode.
you can not make the script file in /etc/init.d and /etc/rcS.d manually. you must trigger Debian system program to make it.
try it. very strong program to write iptables, no need to make a firewall yourself, you can also refer to the iptables generated by this program to see how is the right iptables.