Installing from another partition
Hey, thanks for reading. I'm setting up debian on a PowerBook 1400/166 (the joy of it)... The SCSI support for the 1400 is non-existant which means I can't install from my CD-ROM, even more fun is that the floppy drive doesn't work so the only installation media I can use is installing from another partition. Ok, soo that's fine, easy enough (well should be). What my next issue is, is that i only have a 2GIG HD, 250mb for MacOS and the rest in partitions foor debian, i can free up around 80mb on the macos side to place the debian files needed for install on. This may not be enough for the usual basic install packages. What I need to know is what directories and files I need to place on the MacOS side for Debian to install and what files are viewed by the installer that determine what backages are installed for the basic installation, which (hopefully) i can edit and choose the bare bare packages needed for the system to boot, then I can move more packages onto the debian system from the MacOS side afterwards. So all i basically need to know is what directories and files i need, and what file(s) are checked by the installer. Help?