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Old 06-01-2005, 02:27 AM   #1
Registered: Nov 2003
Posts: 47

Rep: Reputation: 15
Installed Debian and experiencing problems: fubarred my inittab/kdm and no internet.

Alright, I installed debian from a cd.Bonzai Linux. It's fairly old, but it'll probably still overtax the P1 I'm running it on (this is for fun, so no stress )

First thing I notice, kdm doesn't start. I try switching to runlevel seven. No dice. ctrl + alt +7 equals a no go. I try starting kdm manually, it runs, but I'm still at the console.

Second thing, I have no internet access. I have a router so it shouldn't be a problem. My regular computer hooked up just fine, but I have no clue how it did it. (I don't remember anymore...) What's the common command one issues to set up eth0 for an adsl modem?

Finally, I decided that I was going to be clever and force inittab to boot into runlevel 7. It didn't work. Well, it did, but it just presented me with text on a screen (a sort of finished console) and that was it. I couldn't switch to any other runlevels with ctrl + alt and now I have no way of editing it back so I at least have the commandline. (I'm thinking of maybe trying to get a livecd to let me edit it, but I have no clue what'll boot on something this old...)

Any advice? Reccomendations? (Besides scrapping the computer. I happen to like it...)

Thanks so much.

Old 06-01-2005, 03:09 PM   #2
Dead Parrot
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Registered: Mar 2004
Distribution: Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Posts: 1,597

Rep: Reputation: 46
To fix inittab you can boot to single user mode: press the shift key at lilo screen and type "linux single" (without quotes). To set up eth0 for adsl, "su" to root and run "pppoeconf". If you need to configure apt, run "apt-setup". Install the "rcconf" package (you can start it by typing the program's name) to make sure that kdm is enabled. If you need to configure X, try "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86".


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