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Old 06-18-2005, 04:41 AM   #1
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How stable is testing (Etch)?

I've been running Sarge for awhile, and am interested in the new testing, but wanted to wait for a little bit until the storm of switching Sarge to stable passed, and testing settled itself. How is Etch now? How stable is it? Do people find enough new features to justify upgrading?
Old 06-18-2005, 05:40 AM   #2
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Well I'm running testing now, dist-upgraded to the latest packages and everything works fine.
Old 06-18-2005, 05:40 AM   #3
Registered: May 2003
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Re: How stable is testing (Etch)?

Originally posted by audiorevolution
I've been running Sarge for awhile, and am interested in the new testing, but wanted to wait for a little bit until the storm of switching Sarge to stable passed, and testing settled itself. How is Etch now? How stable is it? Do people find enough new features to justify upgrading?
If you have been using "Sarge" aka " Testing" for a while and before Sarge became Stable then you wont see any difference.
Although if you have "Sarge" in your sources.list then you will now receive all the Stable updates.
If necessary change your sources.list to point to "etch" or " testing" for testing or "Sarge" or "stable" for Stable.
I really didn't see many change's once Sarge went stable, my sources.list points to testing though.

I hope this made sence.

*Edit* Harishankar types faster

Last edited by Axo; 06-18-2005 at 05:42 AM.
Old 06-18-2005, 06:09 AM   #4
Dead Parrot
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Many big changes have already taken place in Sid after the Sarge release and many more are yet to come. As for Etch, this storm of big upgrades will actually hit Etch later than Sid (because Etch gets its packages from Sid), but the unstabilizing effect will be considerably smaller in Etch because most of the broken dependencies and incompatibility problems have already been fixed by the time the upgrades reach Etch. Sid will always be a bit hazardous choice for daily use but Debian "testing" (currently called Etch) should be a safe bet for desktop use at all times, especially with apt-listbugs installed.

On the other hand, it will still take a month or two before the big upgrades will be available in Etch, so if you're happy running Sarge at the moment, there are not yet many persuasive reasons for dist-upgrading Sarge to Etch. You can temporarily point the sources.list file to "testing", then run "apt-get update", and then open aptitude and browse the packages that it wants to upgrade. If you don't see any compelling reason to do the upgrade, you can just exit aptitude, point the sources.list back to "sarge", and run "apt-get update" again, and you are safely back in Sarge.

But I'd say there aren't really any stability concerns that should prevent from dist-upgrading a Sarge desktop system to Etch. Server systems are a different matter and there's no point in using anything but Sarge for servers.
Old 06-18-2005, 10:30 AM   #5
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i have noticed no big difference between sarge and etch....however...i am running SID and have onlyh have very few minor problems which required to go back to some programs iin testing or sarge to resolve dependencies...
Old 06-18-2005, 02:03 PM   #6
Registered: Jun 2005
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Gnome 2.10, GCC4, OpenSSH 4.1, perl 5.8.7, postgresql repackage have all been pushed into sid so far. Besides Gnome taking a while to build and propogate things have gone pretty smoothly.

I also believe will be making it's way into sid sometime in the next few weeks or months. Hopefully that goes as smoothly as the Gnome update did.


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