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Debian This forum is for the discussion of Debian Linux.


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Old 10-04-2003, 12:27 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Hong Kong, China
Distribution: CentOS, Red Hat, Mandrake, Debian
Posts: 88

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question How do Debian 3.0 r1 compare with RedHat Linux 9.0

Hi all,

I am a RedHat Linux user for a long time, from 7.2 to 9.0, so Red Hat Linux now is my always using one.

I am hear that Debian is more suit for a higher level Linux user and it is best for advanced setting than Red Hat Linux

I want to ask, do Debian Linux are as stable as Red Hat Linux and how do it speed compare with Red Hat Linux with it using Oracle 9i or MySQL + PHP + Apache? And Red Hat have the RPM support security update from their office web site, how about Debian's support? Do it as good as Red Hat Linux, and do it install interface as good as Red Hat Linux?

Second, do Debian include the Gnome 2.0 and KDE 3.1 in the 3.0r1 CD? And if not, do I can install them easy by RPM package?

I am asked a lot of newbie question, since now I know Red Hat is stop development the Red Hat Linux, they used all of their power to development their enterprise version Linux, so I am wonder if future have other Linux version than can as good as Red Hat for beginner and expert using. And which one is better support by user community and their offical web site.

Old 10-04-2003, 12:44 PM   #2
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Kent, England
Distribution: Debian Testing
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Debian is stable - even if you update using entirely "unstable" packages it is stable.

Debian doesn't use rpms (unless through something like Alien) it uses .deb packages. You would perform an installation using apt-get. Head over to the website for more details.

You can update/install Gnome and KDE via apt-get so you won't need to have them on the cd. All is easier via the 'net.

There are a number of Debian users here, there are other forums with Debian users. In fact, the beauty of Linux is that it's unlikely that you'll be the only one using a particular distro and so can always get help.
Old 10-05-2003, 01:24 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: California
Distribution: Ubuntu
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Re: How do Debian 3.0 r1 compare with RedHat Linux 9.0

Originally posted by explorer1979

since now I know Red Hat is stop development the Red Hat Linux, they used all of their power to development their enterprise version Linux, so I am wonder if future have other Linux version than can as good as Red Hat for beginner and expert using. And which one is better support by user community and their offical web site.

Well yes Red Hat the company has stopped development of their RHL project for the desktop but that doesn't mean that people that are now devoloping it at Fedora will ruin it or anything. But this is a Deb forum so I wish you luck on your journey with Debian. Its a great distro, not bloated like RH is. More stable and certainly awhole lot more fun to use.
Old 10-05-2003, 03:25 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2003
Distribution: Debian Sid
Posts: 93

Rep: Reputation: 15
I am hear that Debian is more suit for a higher level Linux user and it is best for advanced setting than Red Hat Linux
It's pretty easy to install, manage, and maintain. The install process is really a three step setup if you look at the general setup of it.

I want to ask, do Debian Linux are as stable as Red Hat Linux and how do it speed compare with Red Hat Linux with it using Oracle 9i or MySQL + PHP + Apache?
It's definitely more stable than Redhat, Redhat seems to include packages on their systems that contain a lot of bugs or too new or too old.

Debian woody, the latest stable release comes with kernel 2.2.20. So you might have to upgrade your kernel if you want to use a USB mouse or devices and ext3 filesystem or something like that. Also, the packages are pretty old, old but nice and stable, however upgrading it to the "unstable" release of version is not all that hard if you're online.
Probably things like apache would be better on debian as your system isn't so bloated.

And Red Hat have the RPM support security update from their office web site, how about Debian's support?
Debian includes security. You'll have something like this in your sources.list file:
deb stable/updates main contrib non-free then you simply apt-get update.

Do it as good as Red Hat Linux, and do it install interface as good as Red Hat Linux?
Redhat probably has the easiest installer. But debian isn't really that hard, it's partitioning program is easy to use and stuff. I'd make sure you have the partitions setup right before you go interering debian linux, maybe rewrite redhats setup then just adjust then intialize them to your liking in cfdisk. The sequence of screens that follow is "base-config" it will appear a lot like the configuration where you setup your partitions, kernel and modules.

This installs the basic programs, after that you can either use your system how it is or use dselect to setup even more packages. Most people with an online connection simply "apt-get" everything else.

Second, do Debian include the Gnome 2.0 and KDE 3.1 in the 3.0r1 CD? And if not, do I can install them easy by RPM package?
probably don't want to instal something big like that via rpm.

Debian woody (latest stable version) does not include kde 3.1. You have to follow this:

to get it. Basically you just put this "deb stable main" in your /etc/apt/sources.list file then apt-get update && apt-get install arts kdelibs kdebase. I've done it before and it works, also debian sid does come with kde 3.
and the current gnome, whatever that is.

I am asked a lot of newbie question, since now I know Red Hat is stop development the Red Hat Linux, they used all of their power to development their enterprise version Linux, so I am wonder if future have other Linux version than can as good as Red Hat for beginner and expert using. And which one is better support by user community and their offical web site.
That's interesting redhat has quit producing linux. I'm not an expert though and i use debian sid and it's pretty easy once you get it going.


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