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Old 08-06-2005, 03:06 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Belgium
Distribution: Debian Squeeze
Posts: 194

Rep: Reputation: 31
Gnome or GTK messed-up


I've got some problems with GNOME 2.10.2 (on Debian SID) on 1 box it works fine (just recently installed Debian on that one) but on my main workstation I get some problems. for one gnome-theme-manager crashes when I want to switch to a new theme (works perfect on the other system).

I tried removing gnome (and most of it's related software) with Synaptic (used the complete remove option so it should also remove the config files) and reinstalled it but that didn't help. removing the hidden gnome directories in $HOME also didn't help (get this with both the root and the user accout).

I think it's a GTK related problem (I can switch to a diffrent theme when I select the icons first in theme datails and then select the style but once the style switches it crashes). I don't see an option to change the titlebar of the window so I only get 2 TABS which is strange since on the other system where gnome works fine I get 3 tabs.

Anybody here who can give me some advise or instructions to fix this problem (guessing doing a complete re-install of GNOME and all it's related tools and GKT1 and GTK2 should fix it but I guess removing stuff like GTK will also remove a lot of programs that depend on it).

Thanks in advance.
Old 08-07-2005, 12:06 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: Belgium
Distribution: Debian Squeeze
Posts: 194

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 31
Well after a lot of reinstalling and trying stuff I finaly got the problem fixed.
I copied both /etc/gtk and /etc/gtk-2.0 from the working box to the one with the troubles (removed the hidden .gnome(2) directories and restarted Gnome.
All seems to be working fine now.


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