I'm running Libranet2.8.1, a commercial debian version. It has Mozilla 1.5, which I use for e-mail. I also have GnuPG up and running. Enigmail is supposed to integrate GnuPG with Mozilla. But I understand there are some problems getting Enigmail to work properly with the Debian flavor of Mozilla. Something about the debian Mozilla and the mozilla.org mozilla beign compiled with different versions of gcc, and the enigmail-mozilla pair needing to be compiled on the same version. It's over my head.
Anyway, I used the mozdev.org engimail page to install enigmail, as root. Two attemps. First I mistakenly used the quick installer button, but when I tried to use enigmail, I got an error message that engimime was not available.
I tried the uninstall engimail button in the enigmail preferences in mozilla, but the error message said I needed some other libraries in order to uninstall.
So I just went and tried the non-quick-install on the mozdev.org engimail page. But now when I try to use enigmail, I get a message that "enigmail failed to initialize."
I can't find any engimail that is apt-get-able, except for Thunderbird, which I don't use.
Any advice on how to get enigmail to work with Mozilla 1.5 under Debian (a la Libranet)? No response on the Libranet.com forum yet.