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Old 04-20-2004, 06:45 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: TR
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
dns + sql


Is there a DNS server software that can run with SQL (any sort of from MySQL to PostgreSQL even MSSQL) on Debian ?

Did you ever try it before in a production environment like an ISP ?

How big was the size of the database and how many records did you have ?

I have tried MyDNS which is not stable and even is not debian, and requires compiling (not an issue for me but the procedures say don't use packages that are not at the stable section). After a few days it freezes and stops responding. When I get to /var/log/syslog it says too many files are open. This is probably because of the socket connections (they are files as well) to MySQL engine. The configuration for MySQL was the default except the "skip-networking" is uncommented. When I created a file that says

echo 65535 > /proc/sys/fs/filemax (not sure about the dir name and file but you get what I say)

under /etc/init.d and symlinked it to /etc/rc2.d/ as S11fsshit this still did not resolve my problem.

So I quitted.

Then I have tried DJBDNS + PostgreSQL on my Debian 3.0 with all stable PostgreSQL packages, it showed me the same response. When I check for /var/log/ files for possible errors, I can not find anything significant. When I check the files under /service nothing significant as well.

Then I started to use MaraDNS just for recursive DNS querries but it freezes too. I have read the FAQ today about the root servers and upstream servers but I am an ISP, shouldn't I be 1-1 with root servers ?

Anyway I am in a mess, if I get answers to this I have other problems to post :).
Old 05-24-2004, 04:48 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2004
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0


Use powerdns! Just fire up your mysql database, apt-get the required packages and you're ready to go :-)

Powerdns is extremely fast, stable and easy to maintenance, using web frontend extensions such as poweradmin ( We've
been using it in a professional environment for 2 years now (> 2000 domains) and we've never had any downtime or serious problems.

good luck



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