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Old 10-25-2005, 08:32 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2005
Posts: 6

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Debian, samba and windows network


I have a network with a win2k server, that is being used as a dhcp server and active directory server and file server. The win2k server is the domain controller in the network and also has the directories and stuff I want to access from my linux computer.

In the network I have a router, another computer which runs winxp and last but not least my linux computer. For the winxp computer everything works fine, I get a dhcp offer with ip and i can access the domain and it's contence without problem. But when I get to the linux comp I run into trouble.
I am currently running Debian linux as a distribution and I have very little experience with linux. It has the newest samba as I understand it but I havnt made any configurations to it, other then adding the name of the domain. Well back to the issue, the linux computer also gets a dhcp offer and ip, gets access to the network and internet without a problem. I can also surf the network and see the other computers on the windows network (win2k and winxp comp). But when it comes to opening the contence of the computers and accessing its directories I run into bad user error. It says im the wrong user and that I have no permissions.

I have configured the users on the win2k server for domain, added the linux computer and everything. Tried to make a user on the win2k comp that was the same as my login for the linux comp but that failed aswell.

Somehow, somewhere I need to configure so my linux comp gets access to the windows domain, but I dont know where to start. I have tried to configure everything i can think of on the domain of win2k.

Please if you know what to do or where I could start looking for answers, reply to me!

I am so stuck and so newbie :-(


Old 10-25-2005, 12:43 PM   #2
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