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Old 08-20-2005, 11:05 AM   #1
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Manchester, England
Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04
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Debian newbie needs help

I can't get to the file manager. I click the 'browse in file manager
option' from the KDE menu but it does nothing. Also, when I
right-click on the desktop I get no menu, nothing I can't even work
out how to create a folder on the desktop to access the home
directory. I've been Googling like mad to find some basic guides, but
can only find them about the install process, etc. I'm used to using Macs and Windoze, which are far simpler. Please help.
Old 08-20-2005, 12:05 PM   #2
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Re: Debian newbie needs help

Originally posted by Mark_667
I can't get to the file manager. I click the 'browse in file manager
option' from the KDE menu but it does nothing. Also, when I
right-click on the desktop I get no menu, nothing I can't even work
out how to create a folder on the desktop to access the home
directory. I've been Googling like mad to find some basic guides, but
can only find them about the install process, etc.
Did you select packages manually during installation or did you have the Debian installer pick a "task" to install? I would say if you want things set up automatically for you, don't use Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, or Linux from Scratch. If you want things "simpler," go with something like Mepis, SuSE, Mandriva, Ubuntu, Xandros, or PCLinuxOS.

I'm used to using Macs and Windoze, which are far simpler. Please help.
When you make inflammatory statements like this, you're far less likely to get a helpful response.
Old 08-20-2005, 12:19 PM   #3
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The default file manager in KDE is Konqueror.

What version of Debian and KDE are you using?

How did you install Debian and KDE?

If windows or mac is so much simpler maybe you should just stick with those. Linux isn't difficult, but at times it takes a little bit of effort to learn how to fix problems.

Whinning about how windows is simpler is NOT the way to get people in a Linux forum to help you.
Old 08-20-2005, 12:50 PM   #4
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What we're accustomed to will always seem simpler.
Such was my experience trying to learn French, Cantonese, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.
English always seemed simpler, even though it's the most f'ed up language on the planet.
Old 08-20-2005, 01:38 PM   #5
bruno buys
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I don't see any inflammatory or whine content on mark's post. He only said he's used to win and mac, which in fact are simpler. What's the big deal?
Please notice that's his first post. We can push people away from LQ and Debian, by being so defensive.

Mark, when you say you can't get a context menu from right-clicking in the kde desktop, this is not good. You should have received a menu with a few options. It makes me believe there's something wrong with this kde setup.
Try to figure out where are the programs (though these paths are quite standard...):
In a console, do:

whereis konqueror

Mine outputs:

Now, right click in the K icon from the K menu, and choose "Menu Editor". A window will pop up, where you can edit every menu entry. With the correct path, you shall be able to launch 'browse in file manager option'.

Notice that konqueror is the default kde' s app for file managing and internet browsing. It can be launched with different arguments, but also can be changed from the inside, using the menus.

Settings > Load View Profile > will do the trick.

Post again if you need further help.
Good luck!
Old 08-20-2005, 03:02 PM   #6
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I didn't mean to be imflamatory, I was just pointing out that for new users having some folders to click on is nice, especially as I don't know many shell commands. I remember I did have some fun with the package selection when installing so this may explain a few things, I just need to work out what's missing. I thought I had everything I needed installed (I even upgraded the kernel off the boot DVD to 2.6). I tried Mandirva (then Mandrake) once and had a few issues, such as having to remind it what mouse I was using at every startup and not being able to install my modem microcode, etc.

craigevil: I'm using Debian 3.1 - Sarge and the 2.6 kernel (as mentioned above). I'm not saying Linux isn't simpler, just that some distributions take a novice user longer to get used to (especially if they mess up the install).

bruno buys: Firstly, thanks for your comments I did as you suggested and got:

mark@debian:~$whereis konqueror

then I done:

mark@debian:~$ ls/usr/bin/

and there was no konqueror listed. Also, why are some of the entries in different colours? And why bright green and blue? I personally found it difficult to read.

Anyway, clicking 'Menu Editor' did nothing. Also, the K menu is always gone when I next startup, even if I click the 'save current setup' option on shutdown. I have to relaunch it through kicker. Finally, the only options under Settings were: Configure the panel, GNOME control centre, Screensaver and Wallet management tool. I couldn't find the option in the KDE control centre either. I *think* I'm looking in the right place...

One more thing, though I think it's unrelated, when I select restart, I get a load of text flying up the screen as expected, but then the monitor goes into standby mode and the computer doesn't restart unless I physically hit the restart button.
Old 08-20-2005, 04:28 PM   #7
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Sounds like kde hasn't been installed completely. Have you configured apt package manager to connect to the internet yet? I would suggest removing kde and then re-install it, preferably using apt or aptitude.
Your problem regarding restarts - do you get a final line saying it is safe to power off your system? If that isn't there then the system may not be shutdown completely as well.
I was also a bit disappointed with some of the reactions above to your original post which are a bit unfriendly and not generally reflective of most of the members here and Welcome to LQ we are really a friendly, helpful bunch, most of the time.

Last edited by TigerOC; 08-20-2005 at 04:33 PM.
Old 08-21-2005, 11:04 AM   #8
bruno buys
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The different colors refer to the kind of file, they mean to ease figuring out what are the files.
I also believe reinstalling kde is the best idea. If this computer already has data relevant to you, make a backup. Maybe reinstalling the system from scratch, if you are in the mood for learning Debian.
For me, what worked the best when installing the system is to completely skip the part where the installler asks for a 'task' for the computer and then loads aptitude (indeed not the slickest prog around). I install the base system, reboot, do some more script things and then apt-get every thing i need from the command line directly.
It always gives me very compact Debian systems.
Old 08-21-2005, 01:03 PM   #9
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Before you do a reinstall, you might try to fix KDE. From the command line, as root, type the following:

#apt-get --reinstall install kde

This should reinstall kde and correct any problems you might have. If that doesn't work, you can also try to remove kde and then install it again. As root, type:

#apt-get --purge remove kde


#apt-get install kde

If these do not work, then a complete reinstall might be the last choice. However, before you try that, come back here and post any errors you get. Hope this helps.

Good Luck

Old 08-21-2005, 01:55 PM   #10
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You also might want to install Xffm4 it is a file manager that is very simliar to windows explorer.

Or Rox it is my personal favorite. It sounds like you may also have problems with X.

Another thing to try may be to reinstall Debian using the Debianpure cd. It install everything you need for the desktop, you can choose KDE, Gnome or both.

I apologize I came off snotty.

Debian was my first attempt at Linux. Luckily my install went off without any problems. Since then I have read anyting about Debian I can get my hands.

Good luck reinstalling KDE.

The Debian documentation is great, most of it can be installed on your system.
Old 08-22-2005, 02:43 AM   #11
Registered: Aug 2004
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Re: Debian newbie needs help

Originally posted by Mark_667
I'm used to using Macs and Windoze, which are far simpler. Please help.
---Far simpler? On window$: Open a console and just type the following:

ls -la
The output will surely be something like "Command or file name not recognized."

Then type
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb_camera
Chances are the output will be very similar.

Don't desperate!!! It is often told that Window$ chooses its friends!! So be patient!!

This time type:
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
and window$ will......ooooh, pity!!!

'cat' is not recognized as a command or file name....

So you end up thinking....Is really window$ easier than other things? (hehe)

Well, just kidding.....
Old 08-22-2005, 03:35 PM   #12
bruno buys
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Install unixutils and you ls -la in a win machine!
Old 08-22-2005, 04:19 PM   #13
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KDE can get seriously confused if there's no konqueror. It's not as bad as Windows gets without explorer.exe, but it's close.

Assuming this is a relatively new install, your simplest solution is to reinstall Debian Sarge entirely. When you select to install the "Desktop" workstation packages, it should give you fully functional GNOME and KDE desktops. This DEFINITELY includes konqueror.

You could repair the problem, but if something as basic as konqueror is missing, then who knows what else is missing from your system?
Old 08-23-2005, 08:36 AM   #14
Registered: Aug 2005
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I re-installed KDE as suggested, which fixed some things, but I still, for instance, could not get a context menu when clicking on the desktop. I also still got that XKB error which I think was because gnome was conflicting with KDE. So I spent most of the afternoon re-installing it (didn't have any docs on it yet anyway) and it works far better now. Konqueror LIVES!!! (I can actually access my home directory now).

thanks to everyone who replied for their help,
Old 08-23-2005, 04:48 PM   #15
bruno buys
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Regarding the context menu thing, maybe its a kde control center related setting? Try to open Control Center, go to Desktop > Behaviour > General. There's a setup for mouse clicks.


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