Can't reinstall bootsplash error 10
I had to uninstall bootsplash since I wanted to make some changes. Shouldn't have done that since uninstalling it was a pain to start with.
Finally it unistalled by following a thread here on the forum. It stated:
you should modify the prerm scripts located under
/var/lib/dpkg/info/bootsplash-theme-*.prerm and comment out the
line with db_unregister. After that you should do an apt-get remove
--purge ".*bootsplash.*"
It worked just fine and everything seemed to be removed. No more errors in apt. Trying to reinstall doesn't work though. I get:
Preconfiguring packages...
Preconfiguring "bootsplash" failed with errorcode 10
and a few lines later:
dpkg: error installing bootsplash (--configure):
subproces post-installation script errorcode 10
the exact error might be different, I had to translate it.
After that the theme errors to but that normal since it depends on bootsplash.
I guess purge didn't remove all the bits and peaces of the old install since it keeps erroring even if I purge. Any clues on how to get it installed again?