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Old 04-07-2004, 11:19 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Virginia
Distribution: LMDE-2 3.11.2amd64
Posts: 35

Rep: Reputation: 15
APT wants to uninstall many packages !

I'm running Debian Testing (Sarge) on a 366mhz Celeron box w/320MEG ram, 80Gig hd etc.
I try to check at least once a week for package updates and upgrades. I currently have 668 installed packages and use synaptic as my APT/upgrade client.

A couple of weeks ago four packages ( among others) were updates ( libxrender1 0.8.3-7, xbase-clients 4.3.0-7 , xlibs 4.3.0-7, and xterm 4.3.0-7, ) when I went to select them for updating
I was informed that about 170 files would be uninstalled many of which I use daily ( abiword .openoffice, cupsys,synaptic, emacs ,gimp ,gs (ghostscript) sveral vital lib files mozilla mywindow manager (WindowMaker) and so on). well I didint install those four packages
and thought this was some problem that would be fixed in short order or that if i looked an explanation would be given. that hasn't happend AFAICT and I am wondering what I am waiting for ? That is, will these four packages need to be fixed so they will work with my existing files
of will the 170 odd other packages each have to be upgraded to work with these four packages?
I'm looking for a little insight here as to what the story is .



Last edited by websinger; 04-07-2004 at 11:20 AM.
Old 04-07-2004, 12:07 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Virginia, USA
Distribution: Debian 12
Posts: 8,367

Rep: Reputation: 562Reputation: 562Reputation: 562Reputation: 562Reputation: 562Reputation: 562
"That is, will these four packages need to be fixed so they will work with my existing files
of will the 170 odd other packages each have to be upgraded to work with these four
packages? "

The 170 odd other packages each have to be upgraded to work with these four

Be prepared. Create a LifeBoat CD.

Steve Stites


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