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Old 02-07-2005, 02:05 PM   #1
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: denver co
Distribution: redhat9
Posts: 156

Rep: Reputation: 30
apt-get update fails after login

I am curently using redhat 9 and like it but I want better control and more options. So I want to switch to debian woody or sarge. I downloaded and installed the base system. Everything works as well as I need until I have the time to recompile the kernel for apm. But My problem is that I go to use apt-get update so I can get the index file for install. First pon, works fine no output. then ping google. works fine. I leave it running and switch tty's then apt-get update it logs in and authenticates finds the file and starts to download. It says waiting [ 0% ] . then I look at ping on the other tty and it has stoped. So as far as I can decern apt-get is killing my ppp conection. anyone have a sugestion for a fix to install the rest of debian??

Thank you
Old 02-07-2005, 02:40 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Washington State, USA
Distribution: Debian Sid
Posts: 128

Rep: Reputation: 16

The first thing I think of, is perhaps you're behind some kind of connection that's making ftp connections difficult, or require passive FTP. It could also be that the sources you are setup to use are unreliable or slow to connect to from your ISP

Try changing all your sources to http if they're ftp, or just plain removing your sources and adding some different ones. You can do this by typing "apt-setup" as root.

Good luck, hope that helps!


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