Hi folks!
I'm really, really new to debian, so the first thing I've tried to do was to install some packages. It seems I've ran into a little problem with apt-get: I'm trying to install qmail. I can find the package using the debian.org package search, but apt-get keeps telling me it can't find the package. Here's what I've tried so far:
apt-get source qmail
apt-get source qmail-src
apt-get install qmail
apt-get install qmail-src
None of these work and apt-get fails with an "unable to find package" error. Why could this happen? Should I setup some additional sources in /ect/apt/sources.list? Right now, this file contains:
#deb *cdrom/ sarge main
deb **mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ testing main
deb-src **mirrors.kernel.org/debian/ testing main
deb **security.debian.org/ testing/updates main
Note: It seems I cannot post an url so in the contents of the sources.list file, I've replaced the file protocol with a '*' and the http protocol with '**'.
I know the apt-get works for other packages because I've successfully installed tcpdump and I've simulated installation for apache and php.