I am tryoing to use Apache to serve web pages in an intranet. I have never used apache before, having used Zope for everything - very successfully. However there is something zope cannot do - add several files at once! Apache allows this.
I made a symbolic link top get apache to run at bootup.
Logged in to the index.html file
"Welcome....." etc.
The files are supposed to be in /var/www
In this there are two directories "users" and "wordtrans"
What are they for?
I also found that when I edit the index.html file the edited stuff - say new links I added to the file etc, do not show up! Why?
Must i use them or can I make new folders and put in html files with a public_html in each as the initial file to log into for different users?
i will read the docs later but I want a quick start