After Base Install Configuration for Sarge
Now that Debian Sarge Net Install has been accomplished, and I know I will have to do it one more time because the Automated Partitioning set the Partitions to the wrong size, I am being asked questions about Debian configuration which I do not know the answers to and could not find the answers in other places. I figure I need to go through the entire thing and try to get answers before I re-install Debian again.
Configuration for Adduser:
Normally, home directories can be viewed by all users on the system. If you want to increase the security/privacy on your system, you might want your home directories only readable by the user. If you are unsure, enable system wide readable home directories.
This will only affect home directories of users added with the adduser program later.
Do you want system wide readable home directories?
I do not know what this question is really asking. If I answer "Yes" are the home directories set to only readable by the user or can they be viewed by all users?
Does this set the security to any special level? If so, why would it only work when using Adduser?
Does that mean if I add a user without using the Adduser then the Security Levels I set here are useless. How would I add a user without using Adduser?