CLD15-17amd64. #emerge --ask app-emulation/virtualbox-bin gives vboxdrv error.
eselest kernel shows 4.4.17-calculate as does uname -r. message says module vboxdrv not in directory /lib/modules/4.4.9 and there is no such directory in dir for 4.4.17.
Before updates to newer kernel was using 4.4.9-calculate kernel. Should I go back to 4.4.9 by eselecting it?.
This problem didn't occur on cld15-12amd64 or previous install of cld15-17 on older gatewaypc. Present PC is 2 yr old Lenovo k450e(UEFI w/o fast or secure-boot).Am multi-booting with Antergos and Maui(1). No Windows. Can't use vbox because of module error.