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Old 04-09-2018, 12:01 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Distribution: calculate
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any way to fully remove whatever script interrupts the KDE splash?

I removed all the calculate-themes packages through emerge so it no longer has the boot up graphics, console graphics, or login graphics -- or even grub backgrounds (its just black now)

I was pretty much trying to rid the system of all custom-graphics loaders because I could not get rid of the penguin feet login background -- it would fight with KDE splash over what gets to use the x-server, resulting in one flashing over the other if you used any splash other than calculates.

since I was using splashes that included images I did not want to load another image in its place, commenting it out in the configs did nothing -- so I unmerged those packages as per the distro's instructions.

but now, the same thing still happens except with a blank blue background -- which is less obtrusive but still appears glitchy when the blue background flashes through like 2 times during the animation.

its not a major problem, but If I can totally remove whatever script is causing something to try and load at the same time as the KDE splash so that KDE has sole control of the x-server at that time, it would be a nice finishing touch on this install.

everything else is customized to the extent where its not even recognizable as calculate anymore - it pretty much just looks like vanilla. I probably will replace some of the images over time, but the one I just find annoying is the log-in one I mentioned.

Last edited by spiroth10; 04-09-2018 at 01:13 PM.
Old 04-10-2018, 09:22 PM   #2
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isn't there a setting in its settings to have no splash screen?
Old 04-23-2018, 09:03 AM   #3
Registered: Dec 2017
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Did you looked into the kernel and also in the bootloader itself?

As far as I know the, lets phrase it as gpu switch, gpu switch is done several times from pressing the power button until you reach the command line interface or the graphical user interface. this causes the flashes as the hardware gets reinitalized. Common nvidia / linux kernel / gnu userspace flaw. I only talk about nvidia now.

You may get rid of it by reconfiguring, recompiling and using the kernel + bootloader combo.

From a personal note it is better to see the kernel and bootup messages. It helps to identify early issues.


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