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Buffalo This Forum is for the discussion of Buffalo Linux.


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Old 10-01-2004, 07:53 AM   #1
James McGee
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Calif
Distribution: SuSE V.9.1
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
Installing Buffalo

I installed Buffalo on my compaq laptop. The install went just fine as it was the only OS on the machine. I love the way it handles installing programs that I download, so much easier than SuSE. I like the way it looks at the desktop and look forward to learning more about it.

One problem I have with Buffalo, however, is lilo. I do not like lilo. When I tried to install it on my desktop which is running windows xp, lilo refuses to add windows to the boot menu. I had grub installed with SuSE so when I installed Buffalo I told the install program DO NOT INSTALL LILO, but it did anyway.

Is there a way to install Buffalo without lilo?
Old 10-01-2004, 08:02 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2004
Distribution: Slackware 10, Gentoo
Posts: 292

Rep: Reputation: 30
sure. Just download grub, compile, write your configuration file, then
grub-install /dev/hda

will do it
Old 10-01-2004, 05:46 PM   #3
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If you can't figure GRUB out, there's a LOT of documentation online covering booting multiple OS' (including XP) with LILO. If you want I can post my (working) lilo.conf file from Slackware that lists Slack and XP. You might have to tweak it a little depending on your drive configuration but it's clean-cut and easy to understand.
Old 10-03-2004, 01:23 PM   #4
James McGee
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Calif
Distribution: SuSE V.9.1
Posts: 22

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Originally posted by xperiment
If you can't figure GRUB out, there's a LOT of documentation online covering booting multiple OS' (including XP) with LILO. If you want I can post my (working) lilo.conf file from Slackware that lists Slack and XP. You might have to tweak it a little depending on your drive configuration but it's clean-cut and easy to understand.
Please do, I would like to be able to use Buffalo on my desktop, but I can't ditch xp just yet and have to be able to boot it also. So far with 4 installs lilo has not once picked up xp...where as grub finds it everytime when installing SuSE.


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