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I have a text file full of tips where I jot down commands that I need to remember.
I've decided to turn them into blog posts instead.
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Perl binaries mismatch

Posted 05-23-2021 at 02:08 AM by zapwai

I received this error while trying to update some perl modules.
loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched
Solution was to move /usr/local/lib64/perl5 to /usr/local/lib64/perl5.old

(I think I recently installed local::lib but didn't set it up properly.)
LQ Newbie
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Views 634 Comments 0 zapwai is offline

Linux Installation Experiences

Posted 04-22-2021 at 07:00 PM by zapwai

I recently installed a handful of common Linux distros, to compare features and see how it feels to use them daily (directly on the hardware). I had distro-hopped in 2010, then used crunchbang for a while before settling on Slackware 14 (KDE) from 2013 - 2019. Here's a rough timeline of my experience during installation.

I received a new SSD on Saturday, and partitioned it on Sunday. Besides a large main partition for Slackware -current, I ended up giving 35G to five partitions, and...
LQ Newbie
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Views 456 Comments 0 zapwai is offline

Post install

Posted 07-10-2017 at 05:48 PM by zapwai
Updated 07-10-2017 at 08:21 PM by zapwai

When there's a major update I usually like to simply reinstall the OS. I'll backup my home directory and anything else relevant (perhaps just a few config files in /etc).

So I've installed, got access to the internet, and updated the official packages. Now what?

In Slackware I access slackbuilds from the command line using sbopkg
The program sqg is fantastic - it produces a queue file for the package you want to install.
LQ Newbie
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Views 853 Comments 0 zapwai is offline

Kernel update

Posted 07-10-2017 at 05:43 PM by zapwai
Updated 07-10-2017 at 08:25 PM by zapwai

After the first few kernel updates you put yourself through you will definitely feel much less anxiety, and it basically feels like updating every other piece of software in the system. (Choosing your own options and building your own kernel will also help to remove any fears, but has a steeper learning curve.)

Still, I tend to forget what steps I took, as it's generally been 6+ months since I last updated the kernel.

In Slackware, there is occasionally an official...
LQ Newbie
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Views 646 Comments 0 zapwai is offline

Hot keys and shortcuts

Posted 07-09-2017 at 09:06 PM by zapwai
Updated 07-10-2017 at 08:38 PM by zapwai (It's a never-ending list)

I picked these up from using crunchbang; my favorite macros / hot keys are as follows.
The windows key is meta.

meta + e = editor (emacs)
meta + f = file manager
meta + w = web (firefox)
meta + t = terminal (konsole)

meta + d = desktop (minimize all windows)
meta + m = minimize window
meta + o = maximize window

meta + k = simple-screen-recorder (though lately I just use ffmpeg directly in a script)
meta + F1 = cb-fortune...
LQ Newbie
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Views 615 Comments 0 zapwai is offline


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