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Oracle on Linux PoC - Start of a Journey ...

Posted 07-12-2011 at 04:38 AM by mufy (From A System Admin's Desk)
Updated 07-12-2011 at 04:44 AM by mufy

Our environment is mostly filled with Windows servers and AIX boxes. Recently there have been some shifts in thoughts for moving towards Linux. As a guy who has had prior experience working on Linux, I was pulled into setup the environment for the proof of concept.

Actual work on the site began last week with storage allocation and switch side configuration for the 2 IBM eServer x366 rack mountable servers. Two days ago I was located physically in our DR site (where the test boxes...
Views 2283 Comments 0 mufy is offline

A Journey With 'mksysb'

Posted 01-21-2011 at 11:04 PM by mufy (From A System Admin's Desk)

When the shit hits the fan, you take cover. Or, you cold stay right there, enjoy the spray and get new insights. Well, that's what I did - stood there and it was a learning experience.

It all began with an 'mksysb' backup failing on one of my development boxes. I'd start the backup, leave it for the day, and find the process stuck at one point when I come in the next day.
Creating information file (/ for rootvg..

Creating list of files to back
Views 840 Comments 0 mufy is offline

Scripting/Programming As A System Administrator

Posted 01-06-2011 at 06:47 AM by mufy (From A System Admin's Desk)
Updated 01-06-2011 at 07:02 AM by mufy (Categorising)

The vast experience I gained into programming was during my school days in C++. There was nothing that I hated in it neither did I find any sort of pull towards programming.

The years that followed my post schooling I have found myself drifting away from coding, intentionally many a times. Starting my career as a System Administrator I found the need to carry out tasks with the help of bash scripts in Linux. It has been an on and off thing ever since.

Now I deal more...
Views 2172 Comments 0 mufy is offline

18 Days Of Troubleshooting

Posted 01-03-2011 at 05:50 AM by mufy (From A System Admin's Desk)
Updated 01-06-2011 at 07:03 AM by mufy (Categorising)

I never thought I'd be blogging on a technical website. But here I am, taking that new step towards a change this new year.

I'd not call what follows a purely technical account, but is definitely related to my work and my work is definitely technical.

The last 18 days I was actively pursuing a small problem that surfaced at work. Normally, it is something that people (including me) would brush over considering it not worth spending time on. After all, who would want...
Views 8446 Comments 1 mufy is offline


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