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This blog is all about freedom of technology and machines.
Tantra means technology.
Yantra means machine.
Swatantrya means freedom.

Kubernetes: 5 Ws and 1H answered

Posted 05-01-2016 at 04:58 AM by Mr. ameya sathe (Tantra Yantra Swatantrya)

Ques. What is Kubernetes?
Ans. A software to create,manage,destroy containers.

Ques. When to use Kubernetes?
Ans. To do parallel or serial actions on set(s) of logically grouped containers.

Ques. How does Kubernetes implement it?
Ans. The software is structured into form of a Kubernetes master & kubernetes node.

Ques. What is kubernetes node?
Ans. Kubernetes node is a VM/physical machine having a kubernetes component known as...
Posted in Uncategorized
Views 975 Comments 0 Mr. ameya sathe is offline

How to type in marathi language or rather in any language?

Posted 02-26-2011 at 08:52 AM by Mr. ameya sathe (Tantra Yantra Swatantrya)

If you need to type in any language(For example Marathi) other than English; there is no need of installing any kind of software.

Windows XP

To install another language and keyboard layout in Windows XP, follow these steps:
  1. In the Windows XP standard Start menu, click Start, and then click Control Panel.

    In the Windows XP classic Start menu, click Start, click Settings, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Regional
Posted in Microsft, Windows
Views 2583 Comments 0 Mr. ameya sathe is offline

Troubleshoot DHCP

Posted 04-22-2010 at 01:35 PM by Mr. ameya sathe (Tantra Yantra Swatantrya)

Although your DHCP Server has been configured to assign a new IP address to a network machine;your DHCP client will retain its old IP address.
In such a case; clean out the Leases file on the DHCP Server and the DHCP Client side.

On Server side;
echo "" > /var/lib/dhcpd-*/dhcpd.leases
On Client side;
echo "" > /var/lib/dhclient/dhcp.eth0.leases
Posted in GNU/Linux
Views 2820 Comments 0 Mr. ameya sathe is offline

Quota stats reporting for existing users

Posted 03-19-2010 at 09:43 AM by Mr. ameya sathe (Tantra Yantra Swatantrya)
Updated 03-19-2010 at 09:44 AM by Mr. ameya sathe

According to documentation; you have followed the correct procedure for creating quota for a group as well as for a user. But; still the
repquota command is still displaying the quota value for soft and hard limit as zero.

The reason is that; unless & until a file owned by that by particular group or the user is created, repquota will not report the quota values for the said group and user.
Remember this file must be of non-zero value.
Views 1570 Comments 0 Mr. ameya sathe is offline

Quick way to free up Photo Memory space

Posted 09-29-2009 at 02:34 AM by Mr. ameya sathe (Tantra Yantra Swatantrya)

You are on a much needed holiday. Cooling yourself on some nice hillstation. Clicking digital photographs. Suddenly; you realize that your memord card is full. Still; few more days are left for your holiday to complete.
In such a scenario; there are foll. solutions.
1. Buy a new memord card( Yep! its hard to find a good one in such places.)
2. Delete the unwanted ones.
3. Stop clicking photographs from your camera. :P

4.Change Image size(3.1M,2.0M,1.2M,VGA)...
Views 1746 Comments 0 Mr. ameya sathe is offline


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