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For newbies Articles introducing Linux concepts.

How to use a forum (edited extract from The Charm of Linux)

Posted 10-12-2023 at 03:28 AM by hazel
Updated 10-26-2024 at 06:11 AM by hazel

1) Start by searching your chosen forum. Someone may already have asked this question. If the forum has a FAQ, use it.
2) Don't post off-topic; find the right sub-forum for your post. If it's very basic and there is a "newbie" forum, you can also post there. Be careful not to post in a forum that is labelled "Not for support questions". And don't post in more than one section. Most forums have a rule against this.
3) Choose your post title carefully. Never use titles...
LQ Guru
Posted in For newbies
Views 388 Comments 0 hazel is offline
Rating: 3 votes, 5.00 average.

Building software from source

Posted 05-09-2021 at 09:56 AM by hazel
Updated 10-12-2022 at 09:26 AM by hazel

In the early days of Linux, a lot of people found themselves having to build programs from source. Nowadays many users have never done this or wanted to do it. And that can be seen as a great step forwards because it means that Linux is now an operating system for ordinary people and not just for hackers and geeks. And given all the bad things that one can say about Windows -- the instability, the malware, the constant "phoning home", the unfair EULA conditions, the invasions of privacy,...
LQ Guru
Posted in For newbies
Views 1253 Comments 3 hazel is offline

Disks, partitions and filesystems

Posted 10-27-2020 at 11:08 AM by hazel
Updated 01-05-2022 at 01:57 PM by hazel

One thing that Linux newbies often find confusing is the way that Linux deals with disks. Windows does its disk management "under the hood". Partitions are checked to see if they are organised in a way that Windows recognises; if so, they are automatically "mounted", i.e. made available to the system. Each disk or partition is given a letter by which it can be accessed, starting with C: (A: and B: were historically reserved for floppy disks). Unrecognised disks, including Linux...
LQ Guru
Posted in For newbies
Views 1723 Comments 1 hazel is offline

All kinds of version numbers

Posted 08-28-2020 at 06:44 AM by hazel

A novice in on of the LQ forums recently complained that he couldn't understand version numbers in Linux. That's not perhaps surprising because software version numbers are used in several different ways, often simultaneously. Every program or library that is in active development goes through different versions as its developer adds features or corrects reported bugs. The Linux kernel is no exception, for it is, after all a program. But over the years, the kernel versioning system has become a...
LQ Guru
Views 3614 Comments 0 hazel is offline
Rating: 4 votes, 4.75 average.

How to read man pages

Posted 01-10-2020 at 11:50 AM by hazel
Updated 01-16-2020 at 05:48 AM by hazel

The Problem
Linux newbies tend to find man pages somewhat offputting. That may be because they are very concentrated, compressing a large amount of information into a small, highly-formatted package. They go back conceptually to the original UNIX Programmers' Manual, which was designed for experts who just wanted to bone up on something occasionally.

When the GNU people were creating GNU/Linux, they included man pages but also provided an alternative called info pages. This...
LQ Guru
Posted in For newbies
Views 2535 Comments 2 hazel is offline


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