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DD-WRT and openvpn...........SUCCESS !

Posted 07-20-2010 at 12:34 AM by damgar

Well it took most of my free time today, but I finally got my DD-WRT with openvpn working perfectly. As is often the case with open source (in my experience anyway) the tools were there for the taking, but the directions required a bit of hunting, plus some trial and error. I am posting this with a full tunnel from my neighbor's "borrowed" wifi back to my LAN and back out through my ISP and then back through the tunnel again! I'm really not the paranoid type and mostly wanted access to my LAN, but since I CAN have a full VPN tunnell I wanted it. The default was to only pass traffic headed for the remote LAN over the VPN while other traffic took the direct path. I still have that option with a single command.

On the DD-WRT I have a couple of notes. One, in my experience, it doesn't like large modifications of the startup scripts. I'm assuming this is because the script is 5kb and I only have 11kb of nvram free to work with, so it can't have one script replace another. Rather I've found that I had to default it a few times when making large changes. And two, it has a great little backup utility so you don't have to configure it by hand each time, which I have down to a couple of minutes now.

This has been a good experience. I've learned a bit more about slackware's startup scripts, I've learned a bit more about arch's startup scripts, I've learned some neat things about working with embedded linux, I've learned everything I know about VPN's (admittedly not much!). I've played with iptables for the first time, and in the end I can access any of my desktops from (hopefully) just about any place in the world. I guess the next thing to do would be to get a live USB key going with all this in the startup and I can pretend to be James Bond!

Again my hat's off to the people behind DD-WRT, it's an awesome project. And also openvpn. It's a pretty simple solution to a pretty common question.
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