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New DSL modem giving me a headache!

Posted 01-30-2006 at 06:28 AM by corbintechboy

I just recently got DSL for my internet needs. The modem is a router as well as a modem. Seems like a secure piece of hardware shields up shows it as being stealth. Sometimes I can go there and my connection has no reverse DNS info, which IMHO is a good thing. I had to install windows (yuk!) to get the net to even work with the new hardware to start with. It seems to maybe have something to do with IPV6 or something in the router/modem. I was using gentoo and when I connected it the internet no workie. I installed windows and reinstalled a type of gentoo (VLOS) and the net did in fact work. I also installed Mandriva and it worked in there if I turned on tunnel IPV6 to IPV4 I think was it. I like to have some distros to toy with on my drive to play with at any given time and some refuse to work. Debian I really like and cannot seem to get it working, I can get the internet to work in firefox but no apt. Without one of the best package managers in the world it kinda renders the distro useless to me. I really like gentoo and considered doing another stage one to my PC, but compiling is getting old. I did play with PCBSD a little and find it kinda pleasant. But really know little about ports and don't really want to spend alot of time learning right now. Compile times on PCBSD did seem a little faster on it. Now try to get my NVIDIA drivers working in Mandriva 06 and I get get a black screen when X tries to start. Oh well..This is my first blog so there it tis..

Thought of the day:
If at first it don't work, trash it, it more then likely won't
Not really just random :)
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