Hello, a couple days ago I hijacked my musl Void Linux install which I had been running for a month or so. The hijack went well after I switched to rEFInd from grub due to the incompatibility caused by grub+btrfs, but after rebooting I immediately noticed that my CapsLock to Esc key switch, which I achieved by using udevmon from
interception-tools, stopped working, and it was because it could not read any of its configuration files (located in /etc/interception/udevmon.d/**.yaml).
So I decided to look further into this by first manually specifying some other config file located in a non-cross-stratum directory, but that didn't work either. So I decided to just manually build the program with debug symbols.
By then debugging the program I found that what's happening is that to know what are config files and what isn't, is to filter out everything that doesn't have a d_type of DT_REG or DT_LNK, but for some reason, when getting the directory entry for any file, readdir always returns DT_UNKOWN.
I'm not really sure if this is really caused by bedrock, but because this happened right after hijacking my OS, it is a safe guess, I think.