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Old 03-21-2005, 05:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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There are instructions on how to make a bigger swap file included, but they are only for linux machines. I have an old laptop that has 8mb of ram, if I use the fluxbox version and an 8mb swap I might beable to make it work. Also, the reason I want my machine to run amigo is so that I can surf the web using my wireless card (microsoft mn-520) I didn't find any hardware compad charts, if anyone can help me with making a larger swap file inside of windows, or has a large premade one I would appreciate it.
Old 03-21-2005, 05:22 PM   #2
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where does Amigo Linux fit into this?? this is just a windows question right?
Old 03-21-2005, 05:57 PM   #3
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Calm down - maybe he's asking if he can pre-allocate a Linux swap from windows to ensure that Amigo boots.

If that is the question I don't believe it can be done - M$oft is not at all accomodating where Linux is concerned.
Try a LiveCD first, maybe DSL (damn small), and see if that works.
Allocate a permanent swap from there, and then try your Amigo.
Old 03-21-2005, 06:08 PM   #4
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maybe this can solve your problem - utility named bigfile

this useful tool make big file under dos - i dont know about
limitation but max size is more than you need - also works fine
under w9x/wxp dosbox - fat32

anyway.. i trust linux tool offer some tools to create/resize file? like touch

sure - linux have tool to create file :-P

i found this

this must work under console even if you dont have enough memory to run flux
or other window manager

dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=16384
mkswap swapfile
sorry for my poor english

Last edited by carolinus; 03-22-2005 at 10:03 AM.
Old 03-21-2005, 09:56 PM   #5
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live cd

I'm new to linux, thanks for your help. And, by the way I was talking about a swap file for amigo (forgot to mention that). Thanks for the help.
Old 03-22-2005, 12:46 AM   #6
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Is your Amigo installed on the same partition as windows? If so, then all the files share space -it would make no difference if it were in a windows folder or inside the linux folder(inside /root).
If this is the case, just create the larger swapfile under amigo.

You can also create a swapfile on another partition(your windows partition). Tell me if that's waht you need.
Old 03-29-2005, 04:17 PM   #7
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IMHO, best thing if not immediately obvious is to create a large enough and permanent swap PARTITION.
This could even reside in a hard drive's logical partition.
hdx5 through hdx16 are logical partitions in Linux terminology, where "x" is the letter based upon your computer's controller channels (primary vs. secondary) and sequence in each channel (master vs. slave)

See if you have any unpartitioned space at all on the drive, e.g., not partitioned from either Windows or Linux. If so, then you could startup Amigo from within Windows, run fdisk to create a 16-20mb partition using some of this unpartitioned space (note that this is 2-2.5 X physical RAM), change the partition to type 82, and run the CLI commands
mkswap -cv /dev/hdx#; swapon /dev/hdx#
where the "#" is your Linux swap partition from the just-carried-out fdisk.

With your current 8mb physical RAM, such a 16-20mb swap partition would noticeably speed up the system in allowing a number of processes to run in text mode.

Last edited by nycace36; 03-29-2005 at 04:28 PM.


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