Originally Posted by Shingoshi
I just copied the code again and tried it, same results.
Found source archive: lockdev-1.0.3.tar.bz2
Deleting old build files - Done
Creating working directories:
Unpacking source archive - Done
Correcting source permissions - Done
Checking for patches - Found
Applying: lockdev.basedir.diff
Skipping autoconf configuration:
Continuing - We found at least one Makefile
Compiling sources - Using: 'make'
Compiling has been - Successful!
Checking for 'install' rule - Okay
Checking for DESTDIR support - Not found
NOTICE - DESTDIR not supported. Falling back to JAIL install
Installing in jail root - Using: 'make install'
FATAL! Running '' has failed with error: 1
Try using INSTALL_LINE 'make -i install' Exiting...
src2pkg FAILURE in make_install
Ok, we've got the patch to work successfully. No problems there. Still make install problems, which really bothers me.
Some things to look at (let the straw-clutching begin):
* Changes to src2pkg.conf
* Changes to src2pkg executable
* Are you building in a chroot environment?
* Can you get it to build/install manually? Try `make DESTDIR=tmp/lockdevtest install` as a user.
I will get a clean version of src2pkg installed soon and see if I can recreate the problem.
Please use 1 thread per problem/question, too. It makes the thread much easier to read and will help people coming late to a problem to contribute. It'll also likely attract more attention, which will mean you'll get a better quality of responses.
- Piete.