ok pkgtool runs but wont install it. however, i was able to install with the installpkg command.
after hours of trying to configure isapnp, i got it to accept my card - BUT, no modules work with it (its an NE2000 but it shows at boot as an AXE2201...whatever that is).
Im thinkin maybe this distro just dont have a driver for that card and Im learning that few do (not even knoppix). Maybe it has to do with the kernel versions or something.
So far, out of like 8 live distros, only Puppy and Feather do (Deli probably does, but it's made for old boxes and is extremely stripped).
I gave up and took Amigo off that box.
I put it on my 2.4ghz celeron [1gb pc133, 128mb radeon 9600pro, built in ethernet] and it works perfectly - ethernet and all.
Last edited by solarcontrol; 02-10-2005 at 01:53 PM.