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Amigo This forum is for the discussion of Amigo Linux.


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Old 02-02-2005, 11:13 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Mysore, India
Distribution: Fedora Core 1, Xandros desktop OS 2
Posts: 54

Rep: Reputation: 15
Smile How do I compress Amigo?

Hi there!
I have a problem. I want to add packages and compress the Amigo folder. I compress it either with winrar or winzip. But when I extract it ant try to boot from it, I get the following errors:

cannot execute /sbin/agetty
id 1 : respawning too fast
cannot execute /sbin/agetty
id 2: respawning too fast
id 3: respawning too fast
id 4: respawning too fast
id 5: respawning too fast
no more processes left in this runlevel. Disabled for 5 minutes.

and then, I have to reset the PC.
Is it the problem with winrar or winzip?
Now I am using tar from linux shell. It works fine, but the size actually increases.

Also, I cannot copy the didrectory directly to CD. Burning is carried out without any error. But, while copying it to harddisk, many files are not copied. It says, system cannot read from the specified device (In windows.)
However, if I copy from linux, it's fine. Help me.
Old 02-03-2005, 12:34 AM   #2
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: Slackware
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I use ALZIP to create the zip files or self-extracting zips.
winrar seems to do a poor job of uncompressing these but winzip seems to handle them okay.
The larger the file the less chance of success, especially unzipping.


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