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Old 01-08-2006, 04:10 AM   #16
Registered: Apr 2005
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>You might also try changing the boot.ini entry so it looks like this:
>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\stage1="Amigo Linux"

I changed the boot.ini as above, rebooted and got the following error:

Windows could not find C:\WINDOWS\System32\hal.dll
Old 01-08-2006, 08:10 AM   #17
Amigo developer
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Try this:
(not for the main entry -for the amigoxp entry)
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\amigoxp\boot\stage1="Amigo Linux"

What number does fdisk/cfdisk show for the partition type?

Sounds like this is one of those partitions created by Windows Setup when you install XP. Even if you ask for just one partition, it will create a small 4-8MB partitionat at the very first of the drive.
Changing the partition type won't destroy the information there, as long as you don't reformat it.
The type can be changed byck and everything should be the same.
Old 01-08-2006, 04:32 PM   #18
Registered: Apr 2005
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fdisk says it's 1b.

I ran qtparted which had a menu item 'Hide' which was checked. I unchecked it and it worked. Qtparted said it was a Fat12 partition.

I uninstalled and then reinstalled and rebooted but I only got to the grub command line.

I then changed the line multi(0)disk(0).... as recommended and rebooted.

Error message saying %WINDOWS%\System32\hal.dll missing or corrupt
Old 01-09-2006, 01:38 AM   #19
Amigo developer
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The error comes when at first? I mean, you don't get a menu at all? Or do you get this error after choosing amigo from the menu?
Windows still boots okay with the first partition unhidden?
Old 01-09-2006, 01:44 AM   #20
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Correct. After I choose AmigoXP I get the error.

Windows boots correctly and the now unhidden partition is allocated Drive F.
Old 01-11-2006, 01:47 AM   #21
Amigo developer
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Can you see anything on the partition under Windows? And what are D: and E:? Is there only one physical hard disk on the machine?
Old 01-11-2006, 05:28 AM   #22
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Gilbert, thakns for your help on this, much appreciated!

As posted earlier:
hda1 Previously hidden Drive, allocated 'F',
Size 10.1Meg,Free Space 7.13Meg,
Hidden files:'Recycled' and 'System Volume Information' both with 0 bytes.
hda2 XP installation, allocated 'C'
hda7 Documents, allocated 'E'
hda6 Rieserfs (used to be mounted as /home on Suse)
hda8 (I think), was about a gig of swap also for the Suse System.

DvD-Ram Drive 'D'

That's all.

There are 2 system folders on hda1 (Drive 'F'), 'Recycled' and 'System Volume Information'. There are no visible files.
Old 01-11-2006, 03:47 PM   #23
Amigo developer
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I'm baffled by this problem you are having. I don't want to lead you into fouling up your Windows installation -that's something that has never happened yet from using any Amigo installation!
So, the only way to resolve this safely, for the short-term, would be to use a boot-floppy. Unfortunately, I never made one specifically for Amigo-XP. I did work on it but needed to cut the kernel size down by a few K's. A few months ago I did over 120 kernel compiles in a few days in order to find out exactly how much could be saved by leaving certain options out. This was in preparation for making a boot-floppy for my current project.
So, now armed with that info, it shouldn't be too much work to make one for Amigo-XP -gotta have it anyway for the odd case, such as yours. Give me a few days, though. I'm quite busy these days going to therapy for my back 2-3 times a week.

Just one thing you might still check -make sure that the folder and file names for \amigoxp and initrd are all small letters -no capitals. Otherwise, take a few days off from it while I put a boot-floppy together. Once you have it running, you should be able to install GRUB or LILO normally (to the MBR) to correct the problem.
Old 01-12-2006, 02:04 AM   #24
Registered: Apr 2005
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All amigoxp directories in lower case.

Boot floppy? I'm afraid the laptop doesn't have an 'A' Drive.

I'll get in touch with the manufacturers (Packard-Bell) and see if there is a reason for the hidden partition.
Old 01-12-2006, 03:47 AM   #25
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It seems as though this partition has nothing to do with the XP setup and is only used to back up the memory if the battery fails.

That said, I'm not sure I want to delete it!
Old 01-12-2006, 06:32 AM   #26
Amigo developer
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No, don't delete it or format it! I only suggested that you unhide it since that doesn't destroy anything there. If your Windows had been unbbotable with it unhidden, then you could have just changed the partition type back to the original without any damage.

No floppy drive, huh? Okay, I'll see if I can produce a 'mkrescue' .iso image which you can burn to CD and boot with. Still need to make a boot floppy, though for others and myself.
Old 01-13-2006, 05:31 PM   #27
Registered: Apr 2005
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Bloody, hell!

It seems the hidden partition is there to prevent software piracy!

Not sure how it works, I'll have to examine it.


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