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Amigo This forum is for the discussion of Amigo Linux.


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Old 12-12-2004, 04:08 AM   #1
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: Slackware
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Amigo Developers Team forming. You can join, too!

I'm very happy to announce that skruf_man, Kuroyume and Rookie_One have agreed to join the Amigo Devolopment Team!

You can join also, even if you are a new Linux user or someone who knows next to nothing about computers.

Or maybe you are pretty good with Linux and have even thought about making your own distro -I could REALLY use your help.

Amigo is not trying to 're-write the book' on Linux, and has nothing to do with my ego, except that it IS very satisfying to have your 'product' well-accepted, even when you give it away!

The project needs help in many areas and there may even be a chance to earn a few $$$, for those who make significant contributions.

The project has been noticed by some can-do people with ideas and money to help distribute Amigo directly to users in developing countries, providing a turn-key OS with software that gives them easy access to on-line services such as e-learning, money transfer, technical certification, cheap voice-over-web communication and others.

I'll post a list on the Amigo WIKI of specific areas that interested persons can look at to see if they can be of help.
(Link will go here

Anyone interested can contact me at

Last edited by gnashley; 12-12-2004 at 03:17 PM.
Old 12-14-2004, 06:40 PM   #2
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I would say that anyone who wants to join a project and "give something back"(tm) should at least look into this. How often does a distro specifically ask for help like this?

Gnashley - I hope you get enough interest to make this worthwhile. Good luck.
Old 12-14-2004, 08:10 PM   #3
LQ Guru
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I'll definitely join this team. I am not much of a developer, but I guess I can give something back to the Linux community by helping out where I can. Anyway I got a few hours to spare every week, so that spare time can be invested wisely instead of going out for beer and chips
Old 12-15-2004, 03:24 PM   #4
Rookie One
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Shields up, weapons online, creaw aboard! Awaiting orders!

Just tell me what to do...
Old 12-16-2004, 09:26 AM   #5
Registered: Feb 2004
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Amigo Devolpers Team forming. You can join, too!

DistroWatch calls Amigo a "Windows-based Linux distribution" (full quote below).
It is mainstream enough to have its own LQ forum here, but yet is not listed as a mainstream distro for DistroWatch ??

In any case, would like to join team as an install/maintenance tester for lower-end HW.
Not as a Developer/"Devolper" as I just do not have the background or resources (read: time) for this more extensive task. Also, I myself would definitely
keep AmigoXP or newer distro's separate from Windows XP OS, even on currently high-end Athlon XP CPU's

BTW, for anyone following this thread, the LQ Amigo Development Team wiki is here:

Here is DistroWatch's Amigo Linux piece from :

Linux distributions which are designed to be installed on file systems used by Microsoft Windows (such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS) are currently excluded from DistroWatch. These distributions are normally designed for evaluation purposes, they suffer from bad performance and package information is hard to come by. If you are interested in one of these distributions, please visit their web sites for futher information.

Windows-based Linux distributions:
• AMIGO Linux
• DragonLinux
• Monkey Linux
• Phat Linux
• Topologi Linux

Last edited by nycace36; 12-16-2004 at 09:49 AM.
Old 12-16-2004, 10:17 AM   #6
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: Slackware
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It's great that you want to chip in!

Yeah, distro watch refuses to list any mini-distro or distro that Is 'windows-based' on its' main page. I scolded the guy a little when I listed the distro, but didn't expect him to change his mind.
Maybe you could work on compiling a list of distro-listing and submit-your-distro sites and work on a 'blurb' or two for submission. This is one of the things that needs to be done, as well as the same, but computer magazines.
Did I ever mention that Amigo was distributed in a magazine CD in India?

AmigoXP runs just fine on the same partition as Windows XP or W2K. It doesn't even try to go near the MBR, so no problem. I haven't had any problems with 'dirty volumes'
AmigoXP is QUITE distinct from Amigo-2.0, and much of what has been said about Amigo, in the blurbs and documentation, will not always be so.

I always wanted to offer EACH version of Amigo in more than one format -I mean not just in .zip format and not just for umsdos. $$$,time... you know the story.

Thanks again for joining up -that makes 6 of you so far, and one mentor-type who's been watching Amigo for awhile and gives a moral lift sometimes.
Old 12-24-2004, 02:19 AM   #7
Amigo developer
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: Slackware
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s_deepak_123 has also agreed to 'join up'. He's been an Amigo user since about August.
He said something nice in an e-mail to me:
'Some of my friends have started their journey with linux from Amigo!'

Deepak is a computer science student who has already done some interesting things with Amigo that may be incorporated soon.


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