after reading the 2 postings and the Amigo Installation-HOWTO and the FAQ, i started downloading different zip tools, and tried to install amigo2 again. Because i had a working DOS installation an my PC, booting a Linux rescue disk and installing amigo under Linux was not my favourite solution (sorry, gnashley ;o} ... ).
Finally i succeded . To explain what i have done, let me first quote from the amigo documentation:
1) Quoted from
How to unzip under DOS: If you are running DOS or WIN 3.1 you'll need to use a 16 bit extractor such as PKZIP to unzip the
amigo.zip file. Here's how you'd install on a Zip disk on drive D:\ -- using Windows 3.1 and PKZIP. Start PKZIP and from
the "File" menu, select the "Open..." option. In the dialog box, browse for and select the file AMIGO.ZIP. Next, you need
to extract the files to a DOS partition. From the "Extract" menu, select the "Extract Files..." choice. In the "Extract"
box, make sure the "all files" choice is selected. In the "Extract to:" box, make sure the "Disk" choice is selected. In
the text box next to "Disk", you'll need to fill in the path to where you want to extract the files. (They'll be extracted
into a \linux subdirectory) For example, if your Zip drive is D:\ and that'swhere you want to install, then you'll want to
put D:\ in the box. Otherwise, fill in any DOS drive with enough free space to install. When you've got everything filled
in correctly, hit the "Extract" button to extract the files.
PKZIP is also available in a DOS version.
2) Quoted from
Q4: I can't unzip the file -- it says I don't have enough memory!
A: This happens if you use a 16-bit unzipper. You must use a 32-bit version
such as WinZip or PKZIP for Windows. (of course, unzip for Linux also
works fine
Q5: All I have is DOS! Do you know of an unzipper that works with amigo.zip
for DOS?
A: Yes, (for Win 3.x) I hear there's something called Zip Navigator.
If you can't find that, here's how to unzip it under Linux.
First, make a bootdisk that works with your system. Download any
appropriate floppy disk image from one of the Slackware mirrors.
Use rawrite to write it to a floppy disk.
Then, do the same with the rescue.gz disk (from the rootdisks directory).
This is a small Linux rescue system on a floppy disk. One of the utilities
it includes is unzip. Here's where you can get the rescue disk image:
Boot the first disk (the bootdisk), and hit enter at the 'boot:' prompt.
When prompted, insert the rootdisk (rescue.gz) and hit enter to load it.
Log in as root.
Now, you'll need to mount the DOS partition where the amigo.zip file
resides. If the final destination is a Zip disk, you might still just
want to go ahead and unzip the file on your DOS partition, and then move
the directory tree onto the Zip disk under DOS with XCOPY or a similar
tool. If you're not sure what the name of your DOS partition is under
Linux, use this command:
fdisk -l | more
The partition name will be something like /dev/hda1. To mount the
partition, use a command like this:
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 -t msdos
Switch to the /mnt directory, and unzip the file:
cd /mnt/hda1
unzip amigo.zip
That should unzip the file. Now you're ready to hit crtl-alt-delete and
reboot your machine. From there, follow the directions in README.1st to
boot the Linux OS.
Here is what I found out:
1) You cannot use PKWare's pkunzip v2.04 or 2.50 16bit versions, they both give you "insufficient memory".
These programs are also not freeware or under GPL. You better should use Info-Zip's free unz551 tool, which
you can download directly from
ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/MSDOS/, or via
After waiting about three hours (pew...) amigo20.zip was extracted/deflated perfectly by unzip.exe.
Btw, the gnuzip package is also useless, it's intended for .gz or .z files only.
2) FAQ, A4: Yes, you c a n use a 16bit unzipper (InfoZip's unzip.exe), but not PKWare's pkunzip.exe !
FAQ, A5: ZipNavigator has a GUI and therefore works under 16bit Win3x only, not under plain DOS, but unzip
from Info-Zip does.
Thanks to carolinus, who gave the decisive hint, and as a matter of course, to Amigo-wizard gnashley for his
fine work!