Hi everybody just looking for some advice...
I have Amigo2 on a FAT32 HD partition on an old laptop dual booting fine with Win2k. I have added python to it with pkgtool and successfully run my python program.
What I now need to do is the same thing but on a Mini-ITX board 'embedded device' (no monitor keyboard mouse) with a Compact Flash card, so FAT32 on CF card which will be the bootable drive, booting into Amigo2 via DOS and loadlin and running my python program.
I am happy that I can do this but I am concerned about the life of the CF card, how can I make sure that it is mounted as read only, and does not use a swap file, so that there is no write activity to the card? My program does not need to store anything, just to run from powerup.
I do not want to change away from the FAT32 filesystem, as this enables me to easily make config changes to how my program runs (by editing its text .ini file) by simply putting the CF card into a PCMCIA adaptor on my Main XP Pro laptop and editing the file directly (obviosly taking care with the 8.3 filenames).
I am not too worried about the size of the CF card required (I currently have a 512Mb Sandisk to experiment with), and the end system is 500Hhz &128Mb of RAM.
I am a Linux novice and Amigo2 gives me everything I need and most importantly can be easily extended and reduced. Great Work.
Any advice welcome.