Hi, as for a regular as home pc user - can someone please explain to me the difference of software, purpose, between 4MLinux v. 4MLinuxServer?
I did read the info on web pages of each please, but I just don't fully understand. Please I'm not Trolling here & I'm sorry for bothering.
When I've tried run live isos of 4MLinuxServer & 4MLinux - I couldn't see any difference between them, not even in Menu of these isos or software.
Of course I can not run it both at the same time so can't be sure for 100%.
It confuses me more 'cos then I can't recognize in which live iso am I right now - I've got all of them and start from multiboot iso disk so I have to choose-start one at the time.
(I've just got an idea right now to copy out from each iso & compare files:
system.jwmrc + 4mlinuX)
When I open 4MLinux web site HOME (automatic) - it shows:
TheSSS 34.2 released
When I open 4MLinux web site ABOUT - it shows:
4MLinux is ...
... with a strong focus on the following four "M"...
One of them is ... - Miniserver (DNS, FTP, HTTP, MySQL, NFS, Proxy, SMTP, SSH, and Telnet), ...
The latest stable version is:
4MLinux 34.1 (download)
A small demo of the 4MLinux Server is running here (PHP5) and here (PHP7).
... and bottom right icon links to TheSSS.4mlinux.com
When I open 4MLinux web site
http://thesss.4mlinux.com/ - it shows:
... extremely tiny and fast set of server software ... designed for system administrators ...
.... is based on the 4MLinux Server 34.1.
Q: So is it like this:
4MLinux - miniserver? Use on 1 home pc.
4MLinuxServer - miniserver & server? Based on 4MLinux. Does no sence to use it on 1 home pc. Or does?
TheSSS 4MLinux - server only - for system administrators. Based on 4MLinuxServer. Does no sence to use it on 1 home pc. Or does?
Thank you for help.