Originally Posted by zk1234
4MLinux should support UEFI on real machines. 4MLinux' UEFI also works well in Virtual Box, which is the only VM used occasionally by me. I do not use VMWARE at all, so I do not even try to make 4MLinux compatible with this VM.
I have an old Thinkpad T420 which has an physical optical drive.
So I burn the ISO file to an empty DVD and boot it in UEFI mode. It can not boot.
For an ISO file, just put an EFI directory in the root is not enough for UEFI boot.
The ISO file should add an eltorito entry for UEFI mode to make it compatible with UEFI mode.
Most type of Linux distros(e.g. Debian/Redhat/Suse/Arch ...) are in such way.
If you use mkisofs to create the ISO file, just add options like follows:
mkisofs xxxxx -eltorito-alt-boot -e EFI/boot/efi.img
So I hope you can add such option to make 4M Linux more standard and compatible.