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nosrednaekim 01-03-2007 07:31 AM

I love Kate.... absolutely the coolest with integrated konsole and multiple embedded windows and it has an awesome Python mode.....

on the CL I use Vim...

JZL240I-U 01-03-2007 08:07 AM

Kate :p for convenience, power and integration into KDE. Ah, but this one is a fine piece of software...

Console: pico.

fcaraballo 01-03-2007 12:11 PM

Just started using Geany. Very Nice. Mousepad is good for quick edits as is pico. Didn't vote. Hope Geany gets added to the list. Will check back.

Slash_Z 01-03-2007 12:24 PM

VIM, sure! =D

drokmed 01-03-2007 01:01 PM

vi mostly... <ESC>:wq

sometimes gedit for large scripts.

Alphalutra1 01-03-2007 08:30 PM

vi <ESC> ZZ


ephemeros 01-03-2007 09:27 PM

i am sorry, i am forced to vote nothing in this category, i looked many times to find a good editor, i found Geany (no gnome/ked/xfce libs, cool features). I would choose leafpad/mousepad one would be here.

truthfatal 01-03-2007 09:41 PM

I use pico for most of my little edits. I don't often need anything more feature filled.

xenocoder 01-04-2007 12:10 AM



ganoo 01-04-2007 06:33 AM


frob23 wrote:
Bah, I'll use emacs only when editing Lisp (for the Slime environment)... but other than that, it's pointlessly bloated. Almost like a Microsoft product but without even managing to look good.
What can you possibly mean by saying that Emacs doesn't look good??? Emacs looks absolutely gorgeous! :)

See the screenshot of Emacs here:

dragonbite 01-04-2007 07:26 AM

what about Mousepad
What about Mousepad with Xfce?

zyghom 01-04-2007 10:42 AM

vim with cream of course

animeresistance 01-04-2007 11:21 AM

vi, Kate and gedit are always good for me

anticapitalista 01-04-2007 11:40 AM

nano for console
Nedit for gui

sarah79 01-04-2007 01:12 PM

Nano for console
Kate for GUI
or when it really goes wrong then vi

frob23 01-04-2007 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by xenocoder

Wouldn't that be easier with:



Just FYI, you don't need to repeat the previous search with s/, if you use // it defaults to the last search. This can be a real time saver (it works with all searches not just g/).


Originally Posted by ganoo
What can you possibly mean by saying that Emacs doesn't look good??? Emacs looks absolutely gorgeous! :)

See the screenshot of Emacs here:

Great, now I can combine the clean efficiency of GTK with the tiny executable size of emacs! There's nothing like having an infinite amount of core and CPU for common editing tasks.

Now, let me fire this up on my Sparcstation10, and then run and get a cup of coffee ... from Columbia ... by the time I get back it might be displaying something. :p

Eternal_Newbie 01-04-2007 07:04 PM

gvim for X11
pico for terminal
how's that for strange?

taylor_venable 01-04-2007 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by frob23
Great, now I can combine the clean efficiency of GTK with the tiny executable size of emacs! There's nothing like having an infinite amount of core and CPU for common editing tasks.

Now, let me fire this up on my Sparcstation10, and then run and get a cup of coffee ... from Columbia ... by the time I get back it might be displaying something. :p

Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping. :) Of course, if you have to write everything in assembly to get it to run efficiently on your machine, Emacs probably isn't for you. But in actuality, Lisp is now fairly efficient when it comes to CPU speed (see the language shootout), it's just memory use that's high. In addition, the graphical functions are all written in C (so is the interpreter kernel).

Assuming you use a computer that's less than six years old, Emacs handily gives you a lot of functionality you can't get anywhere else, plus extensibility that can't be beat. (I wrote a minor mode yesterday that allows you to specify electric keywords which trigger execution of elisp functions; the keywords can be specified globally or based on current major mode.) It's true that typing is the fastest part of programming, but anything that speeds the process up is welcome in my book.

Strange to see a lot of people on here proclaiming the awesomeness of Mousepad, which as far as I can tell is nothing more than MSFT Notepad for XFCE. Is that a fair assessment? (Really, I'm curious.) If it is, why use a text editor that offers you basically no features?

Another thing I'm curious about is why people use vi or Vim. True that it uses less memory than Emacs, but is it noticeably faster? And do you really need to conserve memory that much? Does not your web browser or email client use much more memory than the difference between Vim and Emacs? As a benchmark for comparison, my copy of Emacs (including email support) which has been operating in various modes all days (including reading email) is using at the moment 47204K of memory. As I have 1024M of RAM, I don't consider this a detriment (0.5% of the total available); but what do other LQers think?

No, I'm not trying to start a fight. :) My primary interest in computing science is programming language design, and one of the big barriers to the adoption of languages like Lisp or other functional languages is how much memory they use and the (sometimes incorrect) conception that they're slow. Since Emacs vs. Vim is especially representative of the same arguments involved in the functional vs. imperative language scene, I'm wondering what sort of feedback editor users have.

bonefry 01-04-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by taylor_venable
Another thing I'm curious about is why people use vi or Vim. True that it uses less memory than Emacs, but is it noticeably faster? And do you really need to conserve memory that much? Does not your web browser or email client use much more memory than the difference between Vim and Emacs? As a benchmark for comparison, my copy of Emacs (including email support) which has been operating in various modes all days (including reading email) is using at the moment 47204K of memory. As I have 1024M of RAM, I don't consider this a detriment (0.5% of the total available); but what do other LQers think?

I started with Emacs, but I finally settled for VIM (vi is not enough for me).
And it got nothing to do with memory usage or speed.

I prefer VIM because:

1) it has nicer shortcuts (personal taste) ... and I really like those editing modes. It made me much more efficient at editing text in the first 24 hours, then Emacs did in the first week

2) Emacs needs a lot of customizations to work after my taste ... and the out of the box experience really sucks.

3) VIM is more integrated with the underlying platforms that it runs on (this might change in the next Emacs versions).

4) Although Emacs Lisp is a nice language, VIM has bindings for Ruby, Perl and Python, thus I can write plugins in languages that I already know.


Originally Posted by taylor_venable
Since Emacs vs. Vim is especially representative of the same arguments involved in the functional vs. imperative language scene, I'm wondering what sort of feedback editor users have.

No, actually you've got it all wrong.
People choose VIM over Emacs, and vice-versa, mostly because of personal preference and taste.

I like VIM better than Emacs, but that's just a matter of taste, and if it weren't for VIM, I would be using Emacs right now.

tcn03u 01-05-2007 02:10 AM

KWrite for a noob like me :D

kamran_pro 01-05-2007 04:39 AM

vim 7 is a divine blessing from God.

frob23 01-05-2007 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by taylor_venable
Another thing I'm curious about is why people use vi or Vim. True that it uses less memory than Emacs, but is it noticeably faster? And do you really need to conserve memory that much? Does not your web browser or email client use much more memory than the difference between Vim and Emacs? As a benchmark for comparison, my copy of Emacs (including email support) which has been operating in various modes all days (including reading email) is using at the moment 47204K of memory. As I have 1024M of RAM, I don't consider this a detriment (0.5% of the total available); but what do other LQers think?

No, I'm not trying to start a fight. :) My primary interest in computing science is programming language design, and one of the big barriers to the adoption of languages like Lisp or other functional languages is how much memory they use and the (sometimes incorrect) conception that they're slow. Since Emacs vs. Vim is especially representative of the same arguments involved in the functional vs. imperative language scene, I'm wondering what sort of feedback editor users have.

47,204K! That's a lot considering my copy of vi here is using 1,932K. We're talking over 24 times the amount of memory. Sure, memory is "cheap" these days but I still can't see the point of wasting it all for a text editor. And, for me, using vi is noticeably faster since I'm not always trying to find the M- or C- keys in the middle of editing tasks. It also loads virtually instantly on my system and that's without hacks to keep one instance running that catches new attempts to open it to speed up initialization.

And for a lot of people, memory is not cheap. I have a couple systems with less than 96M and a few more with less than 256M. Using 20-50% of my memory on an editor is crazy.

Also, a usability of computer languages, in the past, has shown that the verboseness of a language does not make it easier to use. Terse languages are just as easy to use and understand. The same can be extended to editing. Once you know what you want, the less typing you have to do the better since it's the same amount of mental effort. The less I have to move my fingers to get a job done, the faster it gets done. And once you are proficient with vi, you can do things which blow other people's minds. There's hardly a lack of functionality -- even in straight vi and without the additional vim stuff.

I happen to love Lisp and prototype code with it frequently. I'm not making the claim that Lisp is slow or bulky. And I'll even use emacs when editing Lisp because I can combine it with Slime to make a Lisp IDE. I really don't see how the two compare when it comes to the appeal of editing though. Not all Lisp programmers like emacs... or emacs lisp... just because that's the language you can extend it in.

ChaoticSoul 01-05-2007 07:23 AM

Pico all the way!

I use it everywhere...whether I'm in a console environment or GNOME.

JMJ_coder 01-06-2007 05:49 PM


I have done an exhaustive search of text editors in the past year. While many have nice features, and are a pleasure to use, not one of them has come close to comparing with VIM for general (and some specialized) use.

teckk 01-06-2007 06:11 PM

Gedit for GUI, and ee for CLI. (ee is found on BSD)

jerril 01-06-2007 06:14 PM

I use Vim almost all of the time. I use Gedit and Nano occasionally. I tried emacs when I first started with Linux, I thought it would be the GNU thing to do. I just never got used to it. I wanted to learn both emacs and vi. I ended up just sticking with vim; and using any other editor my current system defaults to (I can change it, but I like to learn the way my distro does things (and learn editors actually)).

I'd like to try learning emacs again, but every time I get adventuresome I try to peel another layer off of vim. I don't think I'll ever reach the core.


Cpoc 01-07-2007 11:10 PM

Vim/Gvim for me that's all I use. It's not to difficult to learn and very powerfull.

dumais 01-08-2007 11:07 AM

Oh, vim I think.

pianoplayer 01-09-2007 08:02 PM

It does so much more than edit text. To an emacs user, it doesn't matter what one's desktop environment is.

shevegen 01-09-2007 09:22 PM

I prefer bluefish but its not in the poll :(

jerril 01-10-2007 07:33 AM

See Here:


Matz 01-10-2007 02:39 PM

I use xemacs for coding and vi for console.

(x)emacs is highly customizable and you can find some .el files for specific languages (providing proper highlighting and shortkeys) on the web.

vi is really handy for editing config files.

As I can vote only one entry I go for emacs

stress_junkie 01-11-2007 10:43 AM


Just because you pretty much are required to know how to use vi if you want to support multiple platforms, and I have better things to do with my time than to learn how to use other text editors. vi is everywhere: Solaris, True64, Linux, *BSD, HP-UX, everywhere. So in the interest of efficiency vi is the only reasonable option.

fcaraballo 01-12-2007 11:23 AM

Voted for pico since it doesn't look like Geany will be included this time around. I know Geany is a lightweight IDE but it works good as a text editor too.


psisquare 01-12-2007 02:01 PM

Another one for Vim. But I'd recommend gEdit to anyone with only occasional editing needs or who simply isn't prepared to take the comparatively steep learning curve.

I've tried Emacs before and came to the conclusion that it's actually not an editor, but could better be described as doing for Lisp what Squeak does for Smalltalk. For everyday editing, it's just too slow (Note that I am using a computer less than six years old), too complicated and simply gives me a headache when I try to customize it. Vim gives me all the extensibility I need in such a way that I can actually make use of it.

Well, probably boils down to personal preference again.

Present 01-12-2007 06:34 PM

well, here's my 2c worth...


confession: i started using vi/vim and unix equivalent 15+ years ago, and find it so easy to stick with what you know. can't really flame any of the others which are all probably excellent apps as well as i've only tried a couple and only once or twice...

here's to what's familiar :P

archShade 01-15-2007 03:51 AM

EMACS love the customability of it and all the lisp add ons

still when the jobs small vim is gd

deftone` 01-15-2007 08:35 AM

I use vi (elvis) for editing config files.
Never really learned some of its commands though.. ;)
But I know the necessary.

alienux 01-15-2007 09:17 AM

vi is pretty much all I use.

Zelator 01-16-2007 01:48 AM

For my purposes, Kate. But why is there still no wordcount? I obtained the code for an external tool wordcount from a helpful person on a forum, but surely philosophical disputations as to "what is a word?" should not stand in the way when editors of far less sophistication have wordscounts. Grumble grumble.

aragon2 01-16-2007 06:33 AM

I like the FTE most, because of its intuitive menu driven console interface and its ability to copy and paste columns.

Paul_md 01-16-2007 08:41 AM

Kwrite, but I'm also using notepad.exe(my favourite Windows application :D)

dosnlinux 01-16-2007 01:33 PM

I still haven't mastered it yet, but (G)Vim is still my favorite.

alphamugwump 01-16-2007 03:41 PM

I'm a wimp. I like kate.

derrickdp 01-16-2007 04:38 PM

This one is hard! I use vi for some things, and Kate/Kwrite for others...I don't know if I have a favorite.

the1sephiroth 01-16-2007 06:22 PM

favorite console editor: vim
favorite gui editor: gedit

kassle 01-16-2007 06:27 PM

if only ee support copy-cut-paste, vi will be dropped as my standard console editor.
for gui ... i choose leafpad

gotfw 01-16-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Tortanick
Why isn't ed on the list?! it is _The_ standard editor!

And where are all the Emacs guys? I want to see a war here :)

They all got too old.... :rolleyes:

alred 01-16-2007 10:47 PM

probably because emacs guys normally dont fail in their installations of linux half way through ??


vharishankar 01-16-2007 10:57 PM

I had to vote for Kate. I personally like its interface which is neither bloated nor crippled and it has tons of features too.

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