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hosler 04-03-2006 11:56 AM

I had slackware on this laptop, but it was so hard to get packages installed. Too many dependency crap. So I installed Ubuntu with only the base system, and so far so good. I love apt-get!

Youri 04-03-2006 03:10 PM

slackware for sure

stairwayoflight 04-04-2006 01:48 PM

I've used ubuntu since trying out breezy badger (5.10). I'm running dapper drake flight 5, and the 3d acceleration "just works." (i still had to tweak xorg.conf, but thats it.)

if i had more time i'd stick with gentoo cause its faster ;-) JKOS.

just realized i can make a lot more money with my business as i see my pc as a tool (and spend way less time on it) then the old paradigm, a themepark. ah well, peter pan has to grow up someday.

liquidtenmilion 04-04-2006 04:04 PM

I vote for Ubuntu. I use slackware, but for almost every single purpose, including server AND desktop, Ubuntu beats it.

Especially for newer users, but also older users will like the simplicity of Ubuntu too.

danparkcityut 04-04-2006 05:38 PM

This is my first post (though I have lurked a lot), so I don't know how to vote. Mepis seems the best of the ones I have tried (Ubuntu, Linspire, Knoppix). Mepis had all the drivers for my hardware, the others did not.


Edit... Duh, voting closed, no wonder LOL

valQ 04-05-2006 02:04 AM


You seem to have a good choice :). I have used Mepis as well... But settled for ubuntu...


Myrddins Druid 04-05-2006 10:06 AM

Have tried a few distros but seem to be settling with Kubuntu as I prefer the KDE layout over the Gnome one. I agree that the Apt-get function is a godsend for us n00bs.

Worksman 04-05-2006 03:30 PM

Darn, I can't believe Arch is like the nineth on the list :'-(.
I just started to like it... Maybe I should get back to my first tried ditribution: Slackware! :-D
Ubuntu? No, I don't like Debian!
Then there's SUSE... I haven't gave that a try yet.

zhaosj 04-07-2006 01:43 AM

Novell Linux
why I can't poll? because I'm new?

Thetargos 04-07-2006 02:27 AM

No, the polls are closed now.

hardcorelinux 04-14-2006 02:14 AM

Mandrakelinux and RedhatLinux

harendra94 04-15-2006 03:56 AM

Sir want to the names of some most importent & nice Linux books. and suggest me that which type i read and learn exelent linux.

kevkim55 04-15-2006 04:36 AM

SuSE 10.0 - for the flexibility and ease of use. No worries, no screw ups. :-D

With SuSE most of the things work right out of the box, easy to upgrade and easy to fix when things break !

I've used several distros and finally I'm glad to have SuSE on my machine. With other distros, I'd to spend most of my time trying to make thins work and trying to fix things when they break (this happens on a routine basis ;-D). Ofcourse, this hard work has taught me a lot but, in the end all I want is productivity. I wouldn't want to spend hours together to make things work which probably wouldn't have been the case if the products came with the proper documentation. I've been devoting time into learning linux by trying to get slackware, gentoo, ubuntu, FC4 and linux-from-scratch ! Now, I don't have the time to do that.

With the above said, I'm happy with SuSE as I find it powerful, easy and flexible. Oh yes, if I ever wanna learn about the inner workings of a s/w I can always look into the source or the scripts and that'd tell me what I can do to finetune the s/w !! Right ??

manishsingh4u 04-15-2006 04:38 AM

Right now I am using Kubuntu 5.10. Till now, my favourite Linux is Kubuntu.
1) It's so easy to setup.
2) Easy to install new software on (apt-get).
3) Supports almost all common software.
4) Supports the latest hardware.
5) Good look and feel.

And I just received 5 CDs sets (install cd+ Live cd) for Ubuntu 5.10 from shipit. It supports my laptop too (Compaq Presario m2271tu).
I tried Debian (Sarge), SuSE 9.1, Mandrake 10.1 on it but none of them supported the sound but Ubuntu/Kubuntu 5.10 supports sound without having needed to install any additional drivers.
In my opinion Ubuntu/Kubuntu is the best distribution.

larryk335 04-15-2006 08:18 AM

i use mandriva 2006. found it to be very stable and quite easy to use.

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