I had the same problem. you could only select between 640x480 and (EGAD) 320x240.
here is what you do:
Originally posted by rfarmer768
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
### Uncomment if you don't want to default to DDC:
# HorizSync 31.5 - 35.1
# VertRefresh 50.0 - 70.0
for some reason, you can't get higher resolutions unless those two settings above (commented out) are set. I presume those are what xorg detected for your monitor. (i didn't even know there was an auto config thing... i had to figure them out manually.)
try uncommenting HorizSync and VertRefresh, pray that your monitor doesn't blow up*, and try starting X.
*(it won't really blow up, but you can screw up a monitor if those are set wrong. they look like pretty conservative values, so IMO you should be safe.)