OpenBSD stop automatic boot check if / wasn't unmounted from a crash
This one's been annoying me for a while now, and I've never been able to find the utility to change it, or any sites that show you how...
I've been running OpenBSD on an old machine for quite a while now, and it hosts various file shares and what not, but when I get a powercut (as I do from time to time due to being on a token-based electric meter), while booting back up, there is a warning given about / not being unmounted properly, and then it forces a disk check. With it being an old machine, and having slow hard disks in there, the check takes up to 6 minutes some times, which is quite inconvenient if I need to get back online in a hurry.
So the question is, how does one disable this forced disk check? I remember with moost Linux distros it was done with the tune2fs command (or similar) but OpenBSD doesn't use ext2/3 and the tunefs man page doesn't mention anything about changing boot check options.