grub + ufs - how can I do it?
Can someone finally put me straight - I've heard rumours that the latest version of grub now supports the UFS filesystem which should theoretically mean I can mount a FreeBSD /boot partition. I've tried getting it to work, however the closest I've managed is receiving the following when I select FreeBSD at the grub menu:
Booting 'Free BSD 5.3 RELEASE'
root (hd0,3a)
Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0xa5
kernel /boot/loader
Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition
I should mention that I've tried point grub to (hd0,3,a), (hd0,3a), (hd3,a).
I don't know if you want my grub.conf file or anything, but whatever you want/need I'll be happy to provide.
I've googled around a bit and found a site which had a patch that I installed. Grub was installed using Gentoo - so anyone that can tell me what I need to do to grub to get it working in Gentoo terms would be great... but any advice at all would be very much valued also.
I don't think it's relevant at this stage, but to let you know:
/hda1 Windows Boot - Primary
/hda2 Extended Partition - Primary
/hda3 Gentoo Boot - Primary
/hda4 FreeBSD Boot - Primary
/hda5 Windows Temp - Logical
/hda6 Windows Data - Logical
/hda7 Windows DVD - Logical
/hda8 Windows Spare - Logical
/hda9 Gentoo/FreeBSD shared Swap - Logical
/hda10 Gentoo Home - Logical
/hda11 Gentoo Root - Logical
The shared swap isn't set up as yet basically because I haven't been able to boot FreeBSD yet.
My install order was Windows XP, Gentoo, FreeBSD.
/hda4 currently is where FreeBSD is installed in its entirety - /, /usr, swap - everything. When I get into FreeBSD I'll start fighting with getting Gentoo and FreeBSd using the same swap partition but that's not a priority.
Thanks all in advance,
BTW, if anyone things this belongs in the software/grub section then please let me know. I was torn between the two locations to post. I figured more BSD users would have fought with grub rather than grub users 'playing' with BSD.