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Old 12-08-2004, 02:50 PM   #1
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
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FreeBSD: XOrg failure. I have no control over my computer

I recently installed FreeBSD to try it out. Today I set up my XOrg server, changed the /etc/ttys to start xdm, installed NVidia's drivers and rebooted to test it all. There was a problem with my computer and it is still trying to load FBSD's agp.ko. I know how to fix this problem, but I lost all control over my computer. When I boot, x flashed over and over as if it were starting but never times out and lets me drop into a console. How can I boot it to a place where I can edit some files? Nothing seems to be working for me, and it is getting somewhat frustrating that I have lost complete control of the OS.
Old 12-08-2004, 03:04 PM   #2
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Old 12-08-2004, 11:11 PM   #3
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Re: FreeBSD: XOrg failure. I have no control over my computer

Originally posted by Harpune
I recently installed FreeBSD to try it out. Today I set up my XOrg server, changed the /etc/ttys to start xdm, installed NVidia's drivers and rebooted to test it all. There was a problem with my computer and it is still trying to load FBSD's agp.ko. I know how to fix this problem, but I lost all control over my computer. When I boot, x flashed over and over as if it were starting but never times out and lets me drop into a console. How can I boot it to a place where I can edit some files? Nothing seems to be working for me, and it is getting somewhat frustrating that I have lost complete control of the OS.
If your FreeBSD machine is in a network or you have network card installed on it and did configure it.
You can ssh in to your machine using another machine.
Old 12-14-2004, 08:14 AM   #4
Registered: Aug 2004
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Distribution: FreeBSD 6.0, Freebsd 5.3, Freebsd 4.10, SuSE 9.2 pro, Slackware 10.1, FreeBSD 5.4 RC3
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boot using live filesystem(probably freebsd cd2).
Old 12-14-2004, 09:50 AM   #5
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I'm confused... did booting into single user mode not work or did we skip that step?

I've done this before myself (had X misconfigured and in /etc/ttys) but I was always able to boot into single user mode, fsck the disks, remount then rw, and then fix the problem -- which involved me just turning xdm to off until I debugged the issue so I could fix it in multi-user mode.

Did we even try this? It is similar to what needs to be done with a live CD... and it isn't like X is going to load in single user mode.


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