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By kdog at 2006-09-01 02:43
After about two weeks of playing around with this issue, I finally got the WG511 v3 Made in China up and running, including WPA encryption.

My System:
IBM Thinkpad 600X
Pentium III 500 MHz
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper (Gnome)
Kernel: 2.6.15-26-386 i686


Install the Laptop with the WG511 plugged into the PCMCIA slot. A second wired network card is needed to connect to the internet an dget the updates and packages. Have this card plugged into the Laptop during installation.

After the installation, let the automatic updates run and install. This way the kernel will be updated as well.

Open a terminal window and enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils
This will download and install ndiswrapper. If you have a spare windows machine, download the following file and extract it: (you could also just download the file to your Linux machine and then extract it using the unzip command).

Then create a directory in your personal folder on the Ubuntu machine.
Copy the Windows XP drivers to the linux machine either via network (wired) or use a USB storage device (or use the drivers you downloaded in the step above).

Now we come to install the drivers.

run the following command:
sudo modprobe -r prism54
This will unload the not working prism54 drivers.
Then edit the blacklist:
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
and add the following entries into the blacklist:

# this part is for the netgear wg511
blacklist prism54
blacklist islsm_pci
blacklist islusb
blacklist isl3886
This way the prism54 drivers will not be loaded after rebooting the system.

Change to the directory you saved the Windows drivers to, in the terminal.

Now run the following command:
sudo ndiswrapper -i 2802W.inf
If no errors are shown run:
ndiswrapper -l
You should get a message like:
2802w        driver present, hardware present
If so, run
sudo modprobe ndiswrapper
and then

sudo ndiswrapper -m
This will make the ndiswrapper available at boot.

The LED`s on the WG511 should start to blink at this time

This was the most tricky bit about the installation.
So now we just need to get the card up and running with Wireless encryption.

To do so, proceed as followed:

edit the wpa_supplicant.conf file by entering:

sudo gedit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
This will create and open the wpa_supplicant.conf file.
Enter the following code:


        psk="yourpsk passphrase"
Now open the Synaptic Package Manager tool in System --> Administration and choose networking.

In here choose and install the following packages:

Once these files are installed, reboot the system.

After logging back on to Ubuntu, you will see a new Network applet at the top right of your screen.

Unplug the wired network card at this point. Now click on the newly added network symbol, and choose to add a new Wireless Network Connection.

Now you can choose the different encryption modes and enter the WPA passphrase you have entered on your router.

The connection should be established and running.

You will see that the two little monitors will change to a field strength symbol.

That was it and it worked for me.

If you have any questions on this, don`t hesitate to ask me.

by tribaldragon73 on Mon, 2007-02-05 20:06
I sure could use a hand with this. I'm brand new to Linux - specifically Ubuntu. I installed the OS on my Dell Inspiron 8000 and I've got everything working fine with one exception. I can't get my Netgear WG511 v3 (made in China) card to work. I've followed the instructions in the article above, and am able to successfully install the driver, but when I do a
ndiswrapper -l
, the driver is present, but the hardware is not. No green lights on the card - nothing.
Please help me solve this issue. If you need further information about my system, please ask, but you'll have to bear with me because I am a total Newbie.


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