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By rickh at 2006-09-19 06:48
LQ's Tag system is a really handy tool, but it's benefits can be neutered rather easily. I think a few tips are in order.

1. Choose meaningful tags

There are hundreds of threads on LQ tagged "linux." Why? If you click on that tag from the LQ Tags link, it will return them all. Good luck finding the one you tagged, because it included something you needed to keep track of. More to the point, the tag needs to be meaningful to you, and it should be somewhat unique. If clicking on a tag keyword returns less than a dozen or so threads, it's fairly easy to click on them individually, and find the one with your name at the top. Any more than that, and you are clearly in the realm of diminishing returns.

3. Tags should be one word only

Should here is an understatement. If you tag a thread, "Compile Suse kernel," you have, not one, but three separate tags ... "compile," "suse," and "kernel," none of which will make it easy for you to return to that thread. This is directly related to Rule #2. You should instead tag that thread "CompileSuseKernel," and you'll have a perfectly good, easy to locate, tag.

4. Clean out unused tags

Every now and then, take some time and look at your list in LQ Tags. When you see one that you can't even remember putting in, the chances are good that its not needed. For example, if you have "Alsa" as one of your tags, and you can't remember why, click it and go through the returned threads until you find yours. Look at the post you tagged and decide whether or not you really need it. If you don't, blank it out on the post you marked, click the Save button, and the tag will be gone. If it turns out to be something you really did want, change it to something more meaningful like, "AlsaOssFunctions," (Save), and you'll know why it's included on your list.


by bulliver on Mon, 2006-09-25 04:07
I am getting "You are not authorized to access this page." when trying to view the article!

by L a r r y on Tue, 2016-07-26 15:41
This explains why I could never reach 5 tags in another forum, each tag separated by a comma. I was using multiple-word phrases for tags and each word was being treated as a tag in spite of my not separating them with commas. I need to find the available tags because I am "not allowed to create new tags." That's what I'm here for, to learn how to use tags.


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