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By jeremy at 2004-08-01 17:48
It is recommended that you use curl to download the ISO images from LQ ISO.
To use curl, at a shell prompt, cut and paste the URL for the ISO into the curl command as follows:

[LQ@localhost isos]$ curl -C - -O 'url_for_ISO'
Be sure to include the single quotation marks. The '-C -' option allows you to continue the download if it is interrupted (for example, in case you lose the connection). The '-O' (the letter 'O', not a zero) option will save the file with same name as on the server.

You may also use wget to obtain the ISO files. To use wget, at a shell prompt, cut and paste the URL for the ISO into the wget command as follows:

[LQ@localhost isos]$ wget -c 'url_for_ISO'
Make sure to check the md5 hash of each file you download download via LQ ISO against the one listed on the site. If the md5's do not match, you should try to download the file again, possibly from a different mirror. To get the md5 hash of a file after you have downloaded it, use the following command:

[LQ@localhost isos]$ md5sum filename.iso
If you are using Windows you can use MD5summer to get the md5sum of a file.

by Runaway1956 on Sun, 2006-01-01 22:49
Another great article. I thank you sincerely. I think I've finally found the "Linux for dummies" that i've been searching for.

by tumes on Wed, 2007-01-10 09:02
after i install wine on mandriva 2006 and i tray to install some aplication midi, i have trouble with my dekstop.
i use gnome and all panel is disapears.

by IM2Slick on Fri, 2007-04-27 09:14
I have a small problem with your tutorial using "curl" or "wget". I have tried both to download the newest Mandriva One, and for a while had no success.
Here is my problem:
<This Page> has a LOT of different isos and md5sums to choose from ---- so, If I use the tutorial above, I get a text file of the mirror contents
downloads$ wget -c -o
           => `2007.1'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: [following]
           => `index.html.1'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]

    [  <=>                                ] 9,425         38.11K/s

07:06:21 (38.01 KB/s) - `index.html.1' saved [9425]
And if I try the actual link itself:
mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-KDE-cdrom-i586.iso                     11-Apr-2007 14:45  693M
I get this:
 wget -c -o mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-KDE-cdrom-i586.iso
--07:08:24--  http://mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-kde-cdrom-i586.iso/
           => `index.html.2'
Resolving mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-kde-cdrom-i586.iso... failed: Name or service not known.
It took me a couple of days of trial and error, but I finally realized that I had to right click on the file to "copy link location" of the actual URL for the download and put it in after wget or curl. IMHO, it would be easier for us newbies if you would add that to your tutorial so we don't fight the terminal for two days trying to figure out what you are saying Thanks for a great site ... I use it a lot, I just don't usually have much to say !

by seubill on Sun, 2007-07-08 07:50
Can somebody tell me what is "curl" and "wget" and how to use. Trying to download Mandriva One 2007 Live CD. Unfortunately, I have a dial-up internet connection. First time Linux user and would like to test drive this distro. Using XP.

by masinick on Tue, 2007-07-10 15:55
Originally Posted by seubill
Can somebody tell me what is "curl" and "wget" and how to use. Trying to download Mandriva One 2007 Live CD. Unfortunately, I have a dial-up internet connection. First time Linux user and would like to test drive this distro. Using XP.
According to

curl is a client to get documents/files from or send documents to a server, using any of the supported protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, GOPHER, DICT, TELNET, LDAP or FILE). The command is designed to work without user interaction or any kind of interactivity.

curl offers a busload of useful tricks like proxy support, user authentication, ftp upload, HTTP post, SSL (https connections, cookies, file transfer resume and more.
GNU Wget is a free utility for non-interactive download of files from the Web. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols, as well as retrieval through HTTP proxies.


Wget is non-interactive, meaning that it can work in the background, while the user is not logged on. This allows you to start a retrieval and disconnect from the system, letting Wget finish the work. By contrast, most of the Web browsers require constant user's presence, which can be a great hindrance when transferring a lot of data.

by conrado on Wed, 2007-11-07 11:31
I Check And Check In Order To Download Free Slackware 12.0 And I Don't Get This. What I Have To Do In Order To Achieve This Free Download?

Thanks, Conrado.

by XavierP on Wed, 2007-11-07 14:43
Go to the Slackware 12 page and either browse the mirrors or click the link further down the page. You will then be prompted to save the file.

by eflorezs on Mon, 2010-04-19 13:04
hola hola hola
soy nuevo en esta pagina, estudi ingenieris de sistemas y quiero aprender mas de plataforma linux asi que estare seguidamente poraca

by XavierP on Mon, 2010-04-19 13:22
eflorezs - Could you repost in English please. Welcome to LQ

by IM2Slick on Fri, 2010-04-23 22:03
Originally Posted by eflorezs View Post
hola hola hola
soy nuevo en esta pagina, estudi ingenieris de sistemas y quiero aprender mas de plataforma linux asi que estare seguidamente poraca
hello hello hello
I'm new to this site, students ingenieris systems and want to learn more linux platform so I'll be then Porac
- courtesy of Google - "language tools" -

I think he's an engineering student and wants to learn more about linux


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