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By calcon at 2005-03-22 16:07
Download it here:
Put it in your windows/system32 or /windows/command folder. (In XP it's C:/Windows/system32)

Now open up a command console by typing "cmd" into the run menu. (You can go to Start-->Run).
Before you start running the commands, make sure that the prompt says
C:\Documents and Settings\username>
Enter this command
cd \path\to\cddir
Note: In Windows/MSDOS, you always type with the backslash (\) not the forwardslash (/). Example in M$: \blah\blah Example in Unix/Linux: /blah/blah
Now you are in the directory with the cd iso and md5sum.
Enter this command
md5sum -c filename.md5
(Replace "filename" with the name of the md5sum)
Make sure that when you download the CD iso to download the md5sum and place it in the same directory.

I hope that this will help people who want to check the md5sum in Windows.

by RWBlue01 on Wed, 2005-03-23 23:09
I will counter with Microsoft’s MD5 sum checker.

Microsoft FCIV program to check MD5 sums
The FCIV utility runs on Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.

fciv.exe c:\ -r
FCIV -md5 -sha1 path\filename.ext
FCIV -md5 -sha1 c:\windows\system32\shdocvw.dll

For further information please check out the “Availability and description of the File Checksum Integrity Verifier utility” Article 841290 at the site.

by calcon on Thu, 2005-03-24 16:22
I've never used that utility, so I wasn't familar with it. (Regarding M$'s util)

by RWBlue01 on Thu, 2005-03-24 21:39
I just re-read my post. I hope it didn’t come off to hard. It is just another option. As long as the numbers come up correct, it doesn't matter what MD5 sum checker is used.

by johncoom on Wed, 2005-03-30 23:39
Well I read all other posts and I believe this to be a far better md5sum chacker for Windows users - and it gives a simple GUI. This is very basic and very suitable for those Win users who do not want all the frills that other md5sum checkers may offer _ OR _ be forced to use the command line from within Windows.

This is TOTALLY free and if you look at the bottem you will see that they offer the SOURCE as well as a Binary - So I guess that makes it "open source" ?

Go here:-

When you check say a 700 Mb file it "will" take a little while for it to generate the alpha-numeric number. After all it is quite a big file, so what would you expect, the short time it takes to generate the alpha-numeric number also happens when doing it in Linux from the command line. So do not think that Winmd5sum has looked up your computer, just wait for it to happen.
If you open with Wordpad the small XXXXXXX.md5 txt type file that has the alpha-numeric number in it, you can then copy and paste that number into the "lower section" of the Winmd5sum and then just click "Compare". It will tell you if the number you first generated from your (say) 700 Mb file is exactly the same as in the XXXXXXX.md5 txt type file (easy)

This is so simple to use, I would recommend it over and above all other Windows md5sum checkers, for those that just want an easy and simple thing to use. Forget all the others, this is Free, very small to d/l, self-installing, does the job real well.

by Digital Surgeon on Tue, 2005-06-14 17:53
You can look at the minimal GW system for Win. It incorporates all linux cmds, well basic ones. You may install rpm's too.

by irnis on Mon, 2006-02-13 02:22
Try the AccuHash 2.0 from accuhash dot com

by Sotos_#1 on Sun, 2007-01-07 13:49

by maddes.b on Sat, 2009-08-01 18:06
Microsoft's FCIV and most other Windows tools do not support text mode of md5sum or sha1sum.
Neither WinMD5Sum, AccuHash 2.0 nor Nero's Verifier support all modes.

Hence I use a GNU build from the GNU Win32 project

by marko77 on Fri, 2009-12-18 14:20
If you need to calculate MD5 sum for a string you can use the md5sum tool on website.

by maddes.b on Sat, 2009-12-19 05:40
Thanks for the webpage tip. Will come in handy when needed.

But I need text mode checksums for checking text files (e.g. source code) from different systems that have different line endings (Win = CRLF, Linux = LF, Mac = CR).
Cut'n'pasting several hundred files into that homepage would not be very convenient


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