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By newuser455 at 2005-07-04 20:25
I had trouble finding a way to burn an ISO to a CD without spending $100 or more. After a few hours, I found a great, simple program called ISO Recorder Power Toy.

Follow the below instructions to record an ISO to a CD:
Step 1:
Download Alex Feinman's ISO Recorder Power Toy from

*Note- Make sure if you are using SP2 to download the SP2 version of the software.

After installation, you should be required to reboot your machine.

Step 2:
Right click the .iso file and select "Copy Image to CD". The ISO record window should come up.

Step 3:
Select the drive in which the blank CD is located in, then select "Next".

The CD should begin to record.... When the CD is completed, repeat the above steps for the rest of the ISOs.

For more help, or a step by step tutorial explaining the software, refer to


by Interlaced on Thu, 2005-10-27 00:10
Awesome find dude, thanks.

by sk545 on Fri, 2005-10-28 12:02
I am not sure what a Windows program guide is doing here, but there are free programs available to do this:


Google for them, and you will see.

by chargerbear on Wed, 2006-03-29 01:31
Originally Posted by sk545
I am not sure what a Windows program guide is doing here, but there are free programs available to do this:


Google for them, and you will see.
I have a dual boot w/Windows XP. I found CD Burner XP Pro 3. It's freeware and does alot more than just burn ISOs.

Before you burn an ISO disc with it, look up "how to" in the help menu. I did it wrong the first time. Then is was, when in doubt read the directions.


by StraitFaced on Sat, 2006-12-09 12:00
DVDImgBurn this little app will allow for those DVD iso images to be burnt.


by alaskazimm on Sat, 2006-12-09 14:41
I also use CD Burner XP Pro 3. I find it better (and a lot lighter) than Nero or Roxio. Despite the name it will also burn DVDs.

by mademanmademan on Mon, 2006-12-11 10:40

I propose using ISO-burner free tool. It is extremely easy to use and did not failed me before. The tool is small and quick also.

by portamenteff on Thu, 2006-12-21 23:40
Originally Posted by mademanmademan

I propose using ISO-burner free tool. It is extremely easy to use and did not failed me before. The tool is small and quick also.
That iso-burner free tool did not work for me even once. I borrowed a friend's Slax cd,typed in terminal "copy2ram", emptied the cd tray, used the live cd to burn my own with K3B, then Linux became a self-fulfilling prophecy from there on out. Once you get Linux on your hd, it can be used to create more Linux. Now I burn the cd's and pass them out all the time.

by anasmich on Mon, 2007-05-07 07:07
You can also go to
and download the burning tools (not big file by right click and save target as)
then you can burn your disk as an image


by hasanatizaz on Wed, 2008-12-10 00:54
i need to ask i have downloaded slackware 10.2 iso file, if i burn it to the cd will it detect that the cd is bootable ?

by anasmich on Thu, 2008-12-18 00:58
Originally Posted by hasanatizaz View Post
i need to ask i have downloaded slackware 10.2 iso file, if i burn it to the cd will it detect that the cd is bootable ?
YES will detects


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