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By michaelsanford at 2005-03-03 13:31
Step 1
Obtain the ISO files that are needed for installation. You can download them with a web browser, your favorite FTP client, or wget or curl them from the terminal, it really doesn't matter.

We'll assume you've downloaded them to ~/Desktop

Step 2
Open Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.

(If you used the Terminal to obtain the ISOs you can open Disk Utility by issuing
$> open /Applications/Utilities/Disk\

Step 3
a. In the menu bar choose Images > Burn, then select the first ISO file to be written.
b. The CD tray will open, insert a new blank CD-R (if you haven't already done so).
c. You can usually burn the image at "Fastest possible speed".
d. Make sure you check "Verify after burn"! It will weed out problems from the start if there was an error writing your CD. You don't want to have written 4 images then be on CD 3 of install and find there was a corrupted package.

Step 4
Install on the target machine !

by dunkel on Thu, 2007-06-14 21:28
I downloaded the DVD ISO image of CentOS 5.0 and its checksum was correct. VMware 5.5.4 (on White Box Linux 4) can install the ISO image directly from the disk. But I want to install it as the new host operating system on a new (500 GB) disk. With:

# mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/dunkel/CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso /CentOS

I can mount it and access the contained filesystem. But how can I install the mounted ISO file on Linux? My next attempt was to write the ISO image to DVD. I use a LITE-ON DVD/CD writer SHM-165P6S. The command is:

# cdrecord -v dev=ATA:1,0,0 -sao -data CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso

No complaints during this write. But the resulting DVD can neither be mounted nor be read during an installation. Is there a free Linux application to write a bootable DVD ISO image? Next, I downloaded the six 32-bit CentOS 5.0 CD ISO files. I confirmed their checksums and wrote each to CD:

# cdrecord -v dev=ATA:1,0,0 -data CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-[1-6]of6.iso

When I check these CDs during installation, only 1of6 is stated to be correct. The remaining CD disks have challenges. I installed the OS nevertheless from these CDs. The installation went fine and during the reboot, the typical X Window system showed. But it disappears before the login. When I try to start another window system (using X, xinit, etc.), I get a complaint about a lock file in /tmp indicating another window system appears to be running. But I cannot see a way to display it!

This is not the first OS I installed using the described CD route. Does anybody notice apparent problems in my command to write the ISO DVD and CDs? Do I need to force a slower writing speed or write the CDs several times until they turn out to be correct? What could I do when no window system is displayed for the CentOS 5.0 login and thereafter? Would I likely have more luck installing an older RH Enterprise Linux first and then upgrading it to version 5?


by dunkel on Sun, 2007-06-17 18:27
Update: The CentOS 5.0 release notes mention, provided CD ISO files do not match expected installation program ratings. So no obvious problem of the burn procedure used.

# growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdc=CentOS-5.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso

burns the ISO image to DVD, so Linux can mount the resulting DVD.

Reinhard Dunkel

by DarrenDrapkin on Sun, 2014-08-17 11:42
My favourite programme for making bootable disks is 'dd'

dd if=disk_image.iso of=/dev/device-name

However , if you get the device-name wrong or burn the wrong .iso you can ruin your filling system.


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