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By Anonymous at 2007-02-19 13:00
several steps to replace the stock fire fox web browser in MEPIS 6.0.-3.

1.Download the tar archive from

2. untar it on your desktop.

3. Open a terminal window and select session start new root (super user) terminal

4. Issue the command mkdir /usr/lib/firfox2 which will make a new folder under /usr/lib/ named firefox2.

5. Now click on the Kde menue and select logout.

6. Once the splash screen appears highlight th eroot account and input your root password.

7. once loged in as root navigate to the desktop of the regular user on who's account you untared the original tar archive.

8. open you have found the file click on itr and high light the sub directory named firefox.

9. Once the folder is opened go up to the edit menu an highlight selections> select all (or ctrl+a.

10 Then return to the same menu and select move to which will cause a popup window to apera asking you were you desire to relocate the files to.

11. In the destination section type the absolute path of the directory made in step #4.

12. Navigate to the plugins subdirectory of the original firefox install and ctrl+a to select all and then goo up to edit > move files and in put the absolute directory path of the new plugins directory /usr/lib/firefox2/plugins and hit enter.

13. Your almost there, Now all you need to do is change the directory path in every short cuts as follows '/usr/lib/firefox2/firefox' ( you mus have the exicutable path in singular quotes or it will not work.

14. Optional step. Kdemenu >> System configuration > Kde components > component chooser > web browser > in the following browser again make sure tio make the path absolute by encapsulating the executable path with singular quotes.


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